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Evergreen Knights Part 1: Outlaw Bikers
Publisher: Evil Genius Games
by Markus [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/15/2023 05:07:01

I like what is in there, but It‘s not very much that is in there. Compared to e.g. how much content you get with a EH Cinematic Advenure this pdf here is quite pricey.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Evergreen Knights Part 1: Outlaw Bikers
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Publisher: Storypunks Publishing
by Markus [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/30/2023 03:13:33

Großartiges Spiel in einer jeweils erstklassig übersetzten, lektorierten und barrierefrei gestalteten deutschsprachigen Ausgabe!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Everyday Heroes™ Core Rulebook
Publisher: Evil Genius Games
by Markus K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/08/2023 02:18:28

This game is just fun, it's the best version of a 5e game I've ever played! There are a few good reviews on the net, so I'll just highlight two points that I particularly like in addition to the excellent game design:

  • Versatility: just look at the Cinematic Adventures and you'll get the idea. From the Middle Ages (Highlander) to the future (Total Recall), from monster action (Kong) to undead drama (The Crow), all that and more can be played excellently with Everyday Heroes.

  • The layout and fonts: With some publishers, readability is often no longer a criterion when designing a role-playing book. But here it is! The book is nicely and clearly laid out, the fonts are large enough for tired eyes at the dim gaming table. This is done in an exemplary manner.

If you have even a slight interest in modern 5e, do yourself a favor and give this game a try.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Everyday Heroes™ Core Rulebook
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Kong: Skull Island Cinematic Adventure
Publisher: Evil Genius Games
by Markus K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/13/2023 12:25:18

A varied and fast paced adventure and a great introduction to the Skull Island setting. I'm looking forward to the adventure path, which is on kickstarter right now.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Kong: Skull Island Cinematic Adventure
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Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Shadows of Atlantis 2d20 Edition
Publisher: Modiphius
by Markus K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/04/2022 03:09:48

TL;DR: This campaign could be pretty good, but sadly it is a heavily mangled 2d20 A!C rehash of the original version (that was statted for Cthulhu/Savage Worlds). And I write that even though I generally like the more action-oriented approach of the 2d20 rules.

The story is a hunt (and race against the nazis) for Atlantean artifacts in various locations in 1939/1940, and consists of adventures playing in Vienna, Rome, Egypt, Nepal, India, Persia, British Honduras, Greenland and Atlantis. The British Honduras chapter is new and is an expansion of the original. It is a solid pulp campaign and would get 4 out of 5 points from me.

Unfortunately, however, the book really only contains the bare bones of the plot. While the original contained a lot of information to bring the various locations (and the atmosphere of 1939/40) to life at the gaming table, the new version doesn't include much more than "there's desert in Egypt" or "Nepal has mountains". The great and useful background material that was included in the original has been stripped to the bare bones.

That alone is a remarkable and unnecessary impoverishment, because even and especially pulp stories would profit from the most colorful and vivid background possible.

But that's not all. In fact, in some places, important information that would have been necessary to the campaign's plot has been thrown out the window by the radical pruning of the original. (For example, among others, the different Egyptian moons).

Overall, this makes the campaign less fun to read and much more work to run. I would deduct two points for this, but since I like A!C 2d20, I give the campaign 3 out of 5 points overall.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Shadows of Atlantis 2d20 Edition
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Savage Worlds - Abenteuer-Edition - Grundregelwerk (PDF) als Download kaufen
Publisher: Ulisses Spiele
by Markus K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/17/2021 07:05:14

Die Savage Worlds Abenteuer Edition bekommt von mir für die Regeln 5 Sterne. Auch die deutsche Übersetzung ist klasse, ebenfalls 5 Sterne dafür.

Die elektronische Ausstattung des Ulisses-pdf ist jedoch miserabel.

  • Im elektronischen Inhaltsverzeichnis des Pinnacle-Originals sind ausführliche Unterpunkte enthalten, zB. sind dort alle Edges oder auch alle Hindrance namentlich ansteuerbar. Im Ulisses-pdf sind dort lediglich die gröbsten Oberkategorien enthalten.

  • Im Original ist das Textinhaltsverzeichnis (auf S.3 des pdf) intern mit den zugehörigen Textstellen verlinkt, ebenso ist der Index am Schluss des Dokuments intern verlinkt Im Ulisses-pdf: Fehlanzeige.

  • Schließlich ist der Regeltext des pdf voll von Seitenverweisen auf zugehörige Regelstellen, diese sind im Original ebenfalls intern verlinkt. Im Ulisses-pdf: abermals Fehlanzeige.

Wer also ein SWADE-pdf zum aktiven Umgang mit den Regeln haben möchte, dem sei bei entsprechender Sprachkenntnis das zeitgemäß ausgestattete Original empfohlen, denn damit geht das wahrlich F!F!F!

Schade, dass Ulisses diesen Standard nicht nötig hat.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Savage Worlds - Abenteuer-Edition - Grundregelwerk (PDF) als Download kaufen
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Shadowrun 5 Grundregelwerk
Publisher: Pegasus Press
by Markus K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/29/2016 15:26:37


Hier wird Ende AUGUST 2016 noch ein pdf der 2. Auflage verkauft, obwohl dafür ein 14 Seiten starkes Erratadokument existiert und seit LANGEM (2015?) die 3. Druckauflage verfügbar ist, in welcher die vorbenannten Errata korrigiert sind.

Wenn das ein Scherz sein soll, habe ich ihn nicht verstanden und veralbern kann ich mich selber.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Shadowrun 5 Grundregelwerk
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