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The Harvester from Outer Space (Psychedelic Fantasies #5)

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The Harvester from Outer Space (Psychedelic Fantasies #5)
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The Harvester from Outer Space (Psychedelic Fantasies #5)
Publisher: Geoffrey McKinney
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/25/2014 17:16:24

Not a bad dungeon crawl (in orbit, though the map doesn't even try to look like a spaceship) through a prison/research vessel that has been mostly taken over, largely trashed and rendered considerably more dangerous by the former inmates. I may have had a misspent youth and dubious choices in reading matter, but this seemed more restrained, serious and playable than the inferences dropped by the cover and product description might have suggested.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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