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Dark Camelot $1.49 $0.75
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Dark Camelot
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Dark Camelot
Publisher: GRAmel
by Dillard R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/28/2017 18:10:59

Off the charts imaginative setting. Just waiting to be updated to 2nd edition. Made for classical mid to late middle ages mythology present in such movies as First Knight or Excalibur. I am presently running a solo campaign geared more towards dark ages Britain in the 400s AD. Don't have to change much more than add Sub-Roman Britons.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Camelot
Publisher: GRAmel
by Daniel C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/03/2016 00:49:17

I have to say I love the idea behind this setting as well as the added special rules to bring it to life. The desire to play in this setting and descover what it has to offer is built with a surprisingly small number of rules and space. Two pages printed back to back on a single sheet brings more excitement than many of the 100+ page setting books out there. Well done GRAmel.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Camelot
Publisher: GRAmel
by Marcus B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/14/2015 16:18:24

The King is (almost) dead and Excalibur stolen. It is the land of Arthurian legend with a lot more despair then hope. Dark machinations and intrigues, fae and other mythical foes, shining knights etc etc you get the idea. Just a few pages but no wasted space and full of great information to get a game in mythical Britain going in no time. The easy to use Adventurers! rules get some tiny tweaks ad a bunch of new monsters for your heroes to fight. Worth every cent.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Camelot
Publisher: GRAmel
by riccardo b. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/07/2014 07:24:42

This is the first "add-on" fo ADVENTURERS! from same company (Gramel). This is the first official setting, with specific rules, specific monsters, some back ground info, main PNGs, and a complete adventure. Let's go one by one: Setting: This is a "darker" Britannia, and i found it really charming. Everything is explained with a text line or two, but gives you anyway an idea and the feelling, the mood of the world. Specific rules: some more player choice, with tipical archetype explained. And also magic expansion. Specific Monster: very usefull patch, to implement some tipical "knight&wizard" foe in to your game, according to fairy tale and arthurian legends. Back Ground and PNGs: there is a very simple, schematic info of major events, major places to go, and major "personalities" that can be part of the adventures (but not mandatory ;P). Adventure: classical adventure with some good ideas, can't say more! (spoiler reasons) Conclusion: It costs less the a Cappuccino at Starbucks and totally worth it! Good for either newbies and experienced.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Camelot
Publisher: GRAmel
by Pascal S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/02/2013 00:00:00

Dark Camelot est le premier setting disponible pour Adventurers! Dans ce cadre de jeu, le Roi Arthur est gravement blessé, Excalibur a été volé et Merlin a disparu, comme on peut le deviner, le royaume est dans la tourmente. Les maraudeurs saxons, les barbares pictes et les barons voleurs ne sont qu'un problème mineur car de sombres choses ont quitté le monde de Faerie et pourchassent les villageois. Les joueurs incarnent de preux chevaliers, des mages ou même des roturiers audacieux, tous unis par leur volonté de sauver la Bretagne d'une catastrophe imminente. Dark Camelot propose une description du cadre de jeu, des idées pour créer des personnages dans la Bretagne médiévale, deux nouvelles compétences, de l'équipement supplémentaires et 24 cartes de créatures. En complément, le meneur de jeu dispose d'une aventure complète, la Folie de Sir Richard et 4 héros prétirés.

Dark Camelot is the first available setting for Adventurers! In this setting, King Arthur is seriously wounded, Excalibur has been stolen and Merlin has disappeared, as you can guess, the kingdom is in turmoil. The Saxon marauders Pictish barbarians, robber barons are only a minor problem as dark things have left the world of Faerie and chase the villagers. The players are knights, wizards or even bold commoners, all united by their desire to save the Britain of impending doom. Dark Camelot offers a description of the framework of game ideas to create characters in medieval Britain, two new skills, additional equipment and 24 creature cards. In addition, the playmaker has a complete adventure.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Camelot
Publisher: GRAmel
by Curtis L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/02/2013 00:00:00

Dark Camelot is the first setting/adventure for the rules-lite Adventurers! RPG, and like the 'core book' it's got a lot packed into a (very) small space.

The Good Bits: The setting takes up two sides of a single page, as does the adventure, which means you don't have a lot of printing or space demands when it comes to adding this to your Adventurers! binder. At first glance it may seem that there's not enough there, but on closer inspection it becomes apparent that a lot of good bits have been packed into a small space. The setting lays out the basics very well, and also includes some new equipment (mostly for knights, because this is an Arthurian setting after all) and some new 'monsters', along with the setting's premise, a brief gazetteer, and a summary of who's who. The adventure also takes up two sides of a single page, and is surprisingly well thought-out and flexible for something that's not twenty-odd pages long. I'll admit to being a bit biased, but "The Madness of Sir Richard" has all the things I like in an adventure: evil things to be bested, damsels to be rescued, and problems to be solved. As an added bonus, Dark Camelot also includes 4 pregenerated characters and three pages of monster cards for the setting (as well as two extra pages for your own creations). All in all, quite a tidy package for your $1.50.

The Bad Bits: If you're one of those GMs who likes to have everything spelled out for you, and every location detailed to the fullest, you'll be disappointed. Factions, locations, and people are all described in a single sentence. For me, this isn't a bad thing, but there are those who prefer more detail. Much like the core rules, this setting is best used by GMs who are willing to make things up and develop a setting on the go. There are a few grammatical problems--largely due to translation more than anything--but they didn't hinder my ability to understand what was meant. I also found the names in the adventure to be a little 'flat' ('Richard' is ~so~ 12th century), but that's more a personal issue, and not one that will rub everyone the same way.

The Bottom Line: Once again, Gramel has delivered 'no frills' gaming at its best. No interior art--although there's a cool piece of cover art included--just lots of useful bits crammed into a couple of pages. The setting itself is potentially fun for a number of reasons, but the adventure and the pregens mean you can pick this up and be playing/running in almost no time flat. Over all, I'd be inclined to give it the same 4.5 rating as the core rules--rounding down for the little glitches--but since the whole thing is dirt cheap and I feel like I got more than my money's worth on it, I'm rounding up again to 5 stars.

I've invested about $3.00 in this series so far, and feel like I've already gotten more from it than some series that I've put ten times that amount into. I'm looking forward to seeing more good things come along for my Adventurers!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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