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Campaign Cartographer 3 Full Version

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Campaign Cartographer 3 Full Version
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Campaign Cartographer 3 Full Version
Publisher: ProFantasy Software
by John P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/27/2008 16:39:23

I purchased this product based on the discription of the product and what it could do. I do mostly modern and sci-fi games and have been looking for a program to do maps and starship deckplans. While $45 is alot of money I figured it would be worth it to get the kind of support I was looking for. Then after I purchased it I read the fine print that in order to do all the things I want with this software I would have to purchase three additional software updates for a grand total of $144.80 (CC3, Cosmographer, Symbol Set 3: Modern, and the Character Artist), When it comes down to what I want the software to do the core program is usless to me without these add ons. I would be nice if the company could have either reduced the price of the add-ons or created a lite version of the core software (at a reduced price) that didn't have all the core functionality but was geared more toward uses intending to mainly use the add-ons. This Software will do everything I want it to do but beware that you will end up spending alot more that just the $45 for this core program.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Campaign Cartographer 3 Full Version
Publisher: ProFantasy Software
by Debra P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/08/2008 02:45:13

This is a program i have slobbered over for some time - they lowered the price significantly and i jumped at the chance to own it. I have not been dissappointed.

It is not something for computer beginners. while more intuitive than the previous versions, its still not the easiest, most user friendly program i've ever used. However, there are easier programs out there - but they will not come up to this program's level of complete cartographer's dream as this one.

I cannot stress enough when you are using this program - SAVE OFTEN! and USE LAYERS!! They provide the tools for you but if you don't use them, they're not going to be responsible for your crud-tacular maps. Do not forget to check the profantasy website for the free content!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Campaign Cartographer 3 Full Version
Publisher: ProFantasy Software
by Jeremie C.
Date Added: 04/04/2008 00:27:03

Excellent CAD based cartography program for creating maps. If you were always impressed by the maps you found in RPG products, such as the Forgotten Realms maps, this is the program to make them. There is a learning curve to learning to use the program so be prepared to invest a number of hours before you're creating maps you want. If you're familiar with programs such as CAD and other vector based programs you will have an easier time for sure.

If you're only going to make a map or two you may want to step away from it, but for those who enjoy making maps and impressing their players with their work then the program is certainly worth every cent.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Campaign Cartographer 3 Full Version
Publisher: ProFantasy Software
by eric m. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/27/2007 11:53:40

Quite a powerful product but can be a little daunting. This was the first mapping program I bought and have no autocad experience so as such I might have chosen poorly. I found the controls and mechanics a little trick (the use of right clicking for example) but the tutorial and tech support have been very helpful.

Basically the learning curve is quite high, it can product some beautiful work if you have the patience to learn it.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Campaign Cartographer 3 Full Version
Publisher: ProFantasy Software
by Patrick C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/19/2006 00:00:00

MUCH, MUCH easier to work with than previous versions, definetly user-friendly! If you had trouble figuring out how to work the the previous versions, then you'll enjoy CC3. In under 10 minutes I was busy designing my game world from scratch!

Now, it's simply a matter of selecting a terrain icon (e.g. mountain, building, etc.) and dragging it over to a spot on your map, click and its set! Great zooming featues allow you to draw in close to a particular section of your world for an expanded view.

This, together with DM GENIE is a DM's dream.

Buy this product!!!<br><br> <b>LIKED</b>: Simpler to use than previous versions.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: There's a slight bug in the program when drawing rivers...sometimes, when tracing the river's route, the drawing line jumps in another direction. Not a big deal and certainly doesn't detract from the overall usefulness this product is to gamers looking to design world maps for their campaigns...but hopefully they'll work this bug out.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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