MUCH, MUCH easier to work with than previous versions, definetly user-friendly! If you had trouble figuring out how to work the the previous versions, then you'll enjoy CC3. In under 10 minutes I was busy designing my game world from scratch!
Now, it's simply a matter of selecting a terrain icon (e.g. mountain, building, etc.) and dragging it over to a spot on your map, click and its set! Great zooming featues allow you to draw in close to a particular section of your world for an expanded view.
This, together with DM GENIE is a DM's dream.
Buy this product!!!<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: Simpler to use than previous versions.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: There's a slight bug in the program when drawing rivers...sometimes, when tracing the river's route, the drawing line jumps in another direction. Not a big deal and certainly doesn't detract from the overall usefulness this product is to gamers looking to design world maps for their campaigns...but hopefully they'll work this bug out.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>