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Endless Dungeons - Basic Set $8.00
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Endless Dungeons - Basic Set
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Endless Dungeons - Basic Set
Publisher: Nemo Works
by Paul W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/23/2018 06:29:28

EDIT: I found a solution to printing at 25mm scale on Anrdoid, so I'm increasing my rating. The answer is PrinterShare Pro; the free version can't even test-print these files, but for a few dollars the paid version does it properly, without shrinking by 10%. 25mm comes out very close to 25mm, maybe 1% undersized. Still, I'm not giving this product 5 stars, because... A) The rooms, while very good, don't use all available tiles on a printed page. B) The remainder of the page is filled with 1-or-2-square items which, while useful, are often duplicated from page to page; with a little imagination the room pages could have included DIFFERENT space-filling items. C) As hinted at in (b), you end up with far too many of various small items after printing the room pages; how many spiral staircases or exclamation-marks can you reallu ses at one time? D) One item is badly UNDER-represented after printing the room-pages: the void-edge. If you need a strip to mark the edge of explorable space ["This is a wall; no you can't climb it; it's BLACK to indicate you can't go there."] then you need PLENTY of them. I extracted this image from the PDF file and created a new page containing ONLY void-edges. I suggest the publishers should include such a page. ........ ........ ........ .........

I'd like to make these my number-one online map resource, to add to locally bought items. They have the versatility of design to do that... BUT can somebody PLEASE tell me how to print them at 25mm? Mine print at 23mm, which sounds close-enough, but over a 6-square room it's out by half a square! I'm trying to print these from Android to a HP printer.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Endless Dungeons - Basic Set
Publisher: Nemo Works
by Gary N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/16/2017 16:40:10

All of the previous reviewers are correct... Every one of the products in the Endless Dungeons series are fantastic. The artwork is outstanding and the way the tiles are created make for any easy, quick setup of a random dungeon. I sincerely hope NemoWorks plans on continuing with the line, as I will definitely be buying anything & everything they release for Endless Dungeons.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Endless Dungeons - Basic Set
Publisher: Nemo Works
by will m. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/28/2016 01:21:37

This is a top notch product. I wish there were more sets available. I would buy them all!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Endless Dungeons - Basic Set
Publisher: Nemo Works
by Alessio S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/08/2014 10:41:42

Awesome tiles! I've just downloaded the free version, noticing the high quality I have decided to buy the whole package... Excellent fo the price!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Endless Dungeons - Basic Set
Publisher: Nemo Works
by Alastair M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/30/2014 08:25:31

The marketplace for ready-to-print dungeon-style floorplans is becoming increasingly crowded, and as that happens, it's growing harder for designers to make a strong impact with something sufficiently impressive and different. This first product from Nemo Works is a splendid example of what can be achieved still in this respect, to help it stand out from the crowd.

Since the early days of RPG dungeoneering, an important concept, not always remembered, has been to give dungeons MERIT - Make Empty Rooms Interesting Too. That's been excellently accomplished here in many ways, from the variant colouring and styles of the flagstones, often creating patterns or more specific floor designs, to the detailing of individual stones, where even the cracks across them have been drawn with different widths and intensities, to heighten the impression they have different depths and ages. There's a real eye for detail in aspects elsewhere too, including some beautifully crafted spider webs, scrubby moss, occasional bone and stone fragments, the odd blood splatter or smeared trail and water pool (or you hope it's only water!), old parchments, broken wood - even a snapped sword's fragments and a damaged segment of chain.

All the expected floor pieces are here - corridor sections in various shapes, rooms of different sizes (although 6x6 inch squares predominate, there are also two full page sheets of flagstone floors that can be cut to alternate forms), plain and spiral stairs, and some stand-up doorways, both closed and open (the blackened openings complete with glowing scarlet eyes!).

Half-a-dozen of the rooms are drafted as "specials", four 6x6 in area, two 6x8. The square quartet comprise: A water-filled - still filling - Sewer Room, with steps leading into the green liquid from one side, and more descending from a stone platform on the other; A room with three tombs on two levels, nicely-designed with just one corner higher; A pillared hall with a central dais supporting a large, round fire-bowl, whose style and floor-runes suggest strongly some magical or cultic purpose; and A heavily-cobwebbed Spider Queen's Lair, complete with bloodstains from a recent meal, bones, skulls and a lost sword (and sparking more ideas, what is that pale green liquid running between the stone flags in place? Are those giant uncut, sparkling rubies, balls of blood, or merely spider egg cases, in among the webs?).

The two largest set-piece chambers are another with three tombs on two levels, but here more formal, with lights, statuary and an altar, and a Throne Room, two of whose four pillars have collapsed, and whose blood-red carpet is frayed, worn and rumpled, yet the lit fires, clean book and sword by the throne show it remains in use. Even that doesn't end all the "special" places, because there's also a floor-set 6x3 lava river and a 3x3 cell room with one wall all of bars - which comes with its own narrow, barred, closed stand-up door on the doors page.

And there's still more, as each page is further filled with parts of a whole series of tokens, for rubble, trapdoors, open pits, a small pool, statues, chests, pillars (standing and fallen), locked and alarm markers, barred wells, corridor- or room-blocking crevices dropping away into darkness, bookcases, treasure and weapon piles, glowing magical symbols plus an elaborate magic circle, an altar, a table, fire-traps and a cluster of bones. While this might not be everything you could want for a dungeon, it covers a lot of territory in just fifteen printout pages!

Stylistically, the Endless Dungeons are drawn to a near-realistic level of painted clarity. Only the rooms are shown with walls, a thin veneer of stonework around all their edges, leaving the placement of doorways, and the true wall-thicknesses, in the hands of the GM, probably the better option for this aspect, if possibly not to everyone's taste.

As ever, it would be easy to think of things that might have been added, perhaps with extra variants included through the use of PDF layers, say, such as some open door archways without those red eyes, but this is simply the Basic Set after all. As more sets are promised, any such hopes could be fulfilled soon!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Endless Dungeons - Basic Set
Publisher: Nemo Works
by Astor P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/01/2014 11:31:55

Assolutamente Spettacolare. Ad un prezzo praticamente regalato, uno dei migliori Tileset che mi sia capitato di trovare in giro per il Web. Complimenti davvero per il lavoro.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Endless Dungeons - Basic Set
Publisher: Nemo Works
by Parduz P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/02/2013 00:00:00

This is one of the best tile set i've seen. Each room is hand drawn, full of tiny details, and great for playing both RPGs and boardgame. There's plenty of corridors, traps, deadways, and various tokens. The color are brillant and everything looks really good: the style is a bit "retro" (somewhat in between the old Heroquest board and the realistic CGI tiles i see sometime these days)... which to me is a good things 'cause the "ancient" deeling i get.

There's a lot of material, here, and i can't find a flaw. Go buy this tileset immediately! :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Endless Dungeons - Basic Set
Publisher: Nemo Works
by virgilo m. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/02/2013 00:00:00

I'm really impressed by the quality of this work. There are fantastic tiles, such as the spider room. Optimal modularity and great variety in the construction of the dungeon.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Endless Dungeons - Basic Set
Publisher: Nemo Works
by Gabriele B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/02/2013 00:00:00

Wow! Everything is beautiful. the rooms have many details, but at the same time, they are versatile! You can create hundreds of different locations, so you can walk into any dungeon!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Endless Dungeons - Basic Set
Publisher: Nemo Works
by Paolo A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/02/2013 00:00:00

Definitely an excellent job. Wait patiently, but not too much, the next release ... Daje!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Endless Dungeons - Basic Set
Publisher: Nemo Works
by Mauro D. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/02/2013 00:00:00

Tiles veramente fantastici. Fatti con cura e perizia. I migliori che abbia visto e acquistato (e ne ho presi tanti). La resa visiva è eccellente e le possibilità di utilizzo, come dice il nome, infinite. Spero che la linea si arricchisca sempre più di nuovo materiale. Ottimo lavoro.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Endless Dungeons - Basic Set
Publisher: Nemo Works
by Stefano Z. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/02/2013 00:00:00

If you play role-playing games, then you absolutely need these tiles. They can represent virtually any situation in a dungeon. It's a masterpiece!!!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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