This product accomplishes precisely what it claims - it provides short descriptions to liven up your dungeon. You can use it while designing your dungeon or you can introduce bits on the fly if things get dull. Many GMs I have played under desperately require a resource like this.
It's in black and white, with 16 pages of descriptions, including 100 Dungeon Bits (divided into sights, sounds and smells), 6 Dungeon Shards (more complicated situations, often the remains of previous adventurers), 8 Catacombs (you know, tombs and stuff) and 6 Bits of Trouble (traps and encounters) and 5 pieces of original art. Following that there's an index, which classify the descriptions as hallways, rooms, stairs, indications of abandonment, evidence of previous travelers (a staple in my campaigns), signs of intelligence, inspiring dread and mood setters, and then all of the descriptions are repeated in index card form.
Buy it - if you run dungeons, your campaign will improve.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: The index and organization. I wasn't expecting that.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: The assumed setting is too Gygaxian for my campaign. Easily fixed, of course.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>