I am DMing a 5e campaign set in Greyhawk, specifically the Archbarony of Ratik, and I needed something to fill in the party's trek north along the coast that would be a nice side adventure/one-shot. I came across this adventure on my search and it worked out extremely well. Here are just a few of the positives: 1) It is written with enough information without bogging you down with so many details that seem to plague a lot of modules, 2) it can fit into any setting; again enough detail but you can modify to your heart's content, 3) good for those learing to DM and veterans alike, and 4) it is a lot of fun. The party has had a blast so far. This is well worth your time.
The author has others for sale - I can't believe this is for free - and I plan on using her lower level offings in the near future for some new players to D&D. Also, check out her YouTube videos as she explains her modules, etc.