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Fire Starters: 10 Adventure Seeds to Spark Your Cyberpunk Campaign $2.49
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Fire Starters: 10 Adventure Seeds to Spark Your Cyberpunk Campaign
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Fire Starters: 10 Adventure Seeds to Spark Your Cyberpunk Campaign
Publisher: Accessible Games
by Saif A. E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2021 04:50:10

This is good stuff, the structure of the seeds are useful for one alone to create his own following this design. However some of the ideas are a bit lazy. Can't share much but the complication of one of the seeds is that players will be tempted to drink or gamble (just because the mission is fit on a casino).

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks for the feedback. I am glad you enjoyed it overall.
Fire Starters: 10 Adventure Seeds to Spark Your Cyberpunk Campaign
Publisher: Accessible Games
by David L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/09/2013 21:32:44

I'm seriously impressed by Fire Starters. This is EXACTLY the kind of product I'm interested in buying : I seriously hate railroaded adventures like the ones I see all around on Drivethru RPG, for instance (no offense to anyone!). On the other hand, I'm the kind of guy who has a difficult time finding these "sparks" but once I've got a hold of one, I'm off for a multi-session killing spree. The format - Background, Complication, Conclusion, Follow-Through - makes it easy to read and using Fudge terms to describe things is just brilliant in terms of game-agnosticity (and for use with Psi-Punk, obviously!)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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