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Ten Battle-Ready 25mm Dungeon Maps Set One
Publisher: Blue Boxer Rebellion
by Steven C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/02/2013 00:00:00

The art style is interesting, but the lines are so faint that it's difficult to print off effectively, or to work with in a paint program. I am using them at the moment and going over the lines again in GIMP2 so I can edit them for my needs. I hope the next sets are a bit more defined and easier to use. If so, I'll be getting them as well.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Ten Battle-Ready 25mm Dungeon Maps Set One
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Easy 2.5D Ruins and Accessories
Publisher: PERMES
by Steven C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/05/2013 10:52:22

I had found this in a compilation of files someone posted online. Now that I've printed it off and used it, I realized it's well worth paying for, especially since it's so cheap anyways. The pictures are easily modified in your paint program of choice to build whatever you need. Purchased it and I recommend it to others.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Easy 2.5D Ruins and Accessories
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Harker Asylum - Virtual Boxed Set©
Publisher: 0one Games
by Steven C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/06/2013 16:08:20

I think the artwork in this set is 5/5, but the 3 different PDF readers I used(including acrobat) all had a hard time chugging through the various layers and options. It could be an issue with my machine, but it's a quad core/4 gig of ram/decent vid card. I exported the parts I intended to use with photoshop and went from there with no problem. That's the only issue I could find with the product though. The small amount of story included with it is a nice touch, and the individual tiles let you customize to your hearts content. The inclusion of notes section with a picture of each tile is also very handy.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Harker Asylum - Virtual Boxed Set©
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Inked Adventures Hand Drawn Geomorph Tiles (small)
Publisher: Inked Adventures
by Steven C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/18/2013 17:41:39

I picked these up to go along with the other inked adventures purchases I've made. The only downside to these is the scale, as I've gotten spoiled with the other products being the correct scale for minis. I can't ding the stars for that though since it was my lack of reading the size before I purchased it, and it's easily remedied with photoshop. The detail stands up even when zoomed in to change the scale, and the art style mixes with the other products like the 'modular cut up sections' packs so you can drop pieces in.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Inked Adventures Hand Drawn Geomorph Tiles (small)
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Inked Adventures: Modular Dungeon Cut-Up Sections Basic Pack
Publisher: Inked Adventures
by Steve C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/11/2011 10:32:56

I found some samples of this in other places online, the creators homepage, etc. Something about the art style stands out, so much so that I've run out of the overly expensive ink in my printer. I recommend it highly.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Inked Adventures: Modular Dungeon Cut-Up Sections Basic Pack
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