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The Dungeon Dozen
Publisher: Hydra Cooperative
by Brian O. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/13/2014 22:18:44

I wish I had given more money.

I had no idea how much frikken content I was getting until I actually downloaded it. There is 225 PAGES of tables in there! And assuming there's at least 1 table per page (which is conservative, since many pages have two tables), that means this guy has thought up more than 2,700 different results!

I mean, this shit is mindblowing, I HAD NO IDEA HOW MUCH I WAS GETTING! Really, flabbergasted here, and from a random sampling, the tables seem to have pretty solid results and great suggestions, all the way through the book. I mean christ, I think the only table this BOOK, and I'd like to emphasise that it is a BOOK, doesn't have, is a table to randomly pick which table you roll on!

I love it! Very system and thematically agnostic too, I plan to use it throughout my DCC campaign, and I'm very excited to do so!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dungeon Dozen
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100 Village Adventure Ideas
Publisher: Lee's Lists
by Brian O. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/06/2014 21:20:22

A few boring ones, like the villagers are obsessed with X culture, or whatever. Also, 93 and 94 are duplicates.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
100 Village Adventure Ideas
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Crawl! fanzine no. 8
by Brian O. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/14/2014 23:26:34

Absolutely fantastic edition of "Crawl!", as usual! This zine gives you exactly what you need to add firearms of any time period, past, present, or future, to your game. The rules are balanced, and simple, providing you with suggestions for settings where guns are rare or common. It even goes into detail on how to include these guns to your existing fantasy worlds, using a variety of interesting plot hooks that you can roll up on various tables.

I would like to see a gunslinger specific class in some future zine, but otherwise this zine covers it all!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Crawl! fanzine no. 8
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