Game itself is simply a rehashing of B/X with the crux of everything put onto a d20. In my opinion, the type of game being presented by the author does not work very well within a B/X framework. Needs a fair bit of copy editing work done, with quite a few "see page XX" items, typos, and the like that were not caught. Also feels deliberately incomplete in many aspects, as if the author is trying to sell supplementary material to fill the deliberately left holes in the game, such as reactions, encounters, NPCs, and setting. Likewise with setting, it is clear the author didn't do much research as they shy away from mentioning Christianity at all, and give the stand-in almost Shinto-esque trappings, which would have made for a drastically different England given the time period.
All in all, feels a bit lazy, and I would personally recommend either Wolves of God by Kevin Crawford or an earlier edition of Pendragon if you are insistent on running a game in this setting.