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In The Company of Fey: A 1st-20th level Player Character Racial Class (PFRPG) $5.99
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In The Company of Fey:  A 1st-20th level Player Character Racial Class (PFRPG)
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In The Company of Fey: A 1st-20th level Player Character Racial Class (PFRPG)
Publisher: Rite Publishing
by Sean H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 07/20/2014 22:21:07

In the Company of Fey by Rite Publishing provides more options for the Fae, allowing them to be played as characters or created as more fulled formed NPCs. Following a lengthy discussion of the way the fae view and interact with the mortal world, the First Folk, a playable fae race, are detailed complete with alternate racial traits, two class archetypes and a twenty level racial paragon class. The paragon class gains various fae powers center on their choice of an aspect, the paragon has a variety of abilities that interact with the core abilities of other classes making it useful for multiclassing options, though it is very much a class based on its own special ability chains. Because of its ability to build very specialized character from the paragon class, it is well suited to building characters to challenge player characters in narrowly focused ways. Eight new feats for the First Folk round out the resources presented. This is another useful resource for the fae and while the racial paragon class is not for everyone it is full of useful ideas and inspiration for the fae in a campaign.

Disclosure: As a featured reviewer for RPGNow/DriveThroughRPG, I received my copy of this product for free from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

Note: Read more reviews and other gaming articles at my journal

[4 of 5 Stars!]
In The Company of Fey: A 1st-20th level Player Character Racial Class (PFRPG)
Publisher: Rite Publishing
by Nick S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/06/2014 16:45:35

I wasn't really sure to make of the In The Company of Fey. On the one hand it was well written, but took the fey in a bit of a different direction then I was hoping for. I will say this, Rite's Publishing vision of the fey and the rules they have crafted for them are good ones, but again they are a little different from what you might expect. These fey are a bit more like the old school mythical faeries that their more high adventure counter parts you might find in games like Magic the Gathering. Rites make some interesting design choices such as making them medium sized creatures who can turn into smaller sprites, which you'll either love or hate.

If you can get into the right mindset it seems like there is a lot of fun to be had with the fey presented here and many design choices seem well thought out to let the fey fit comfortably into almost any pathfinder game, but if you were looking for the Pathfinder equivalent of something like Hack Master's Pixie-Fairies than this product isn't for you.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
In The Company of Fey: A 1st-20th level Player Character Racial Class (PFRPG)
Publisher: Rite Publishing
by Aaron H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/16/2014 08:44:34

The following review was originally posted at Rolepalyers Chronicle and can be read in its entirety at

In The Company of Fey is a wonderful sourcebook for those gaming groups that want to really run a fey-inspired campaign rather than just inserting fey type things into their games. This book starts out as a narrative overview of the fey lifestyle by an enigmatic figure named Red Shuck. This narration covers things like Physical Descriptions, Fey Society, Relations, Alignment, Religion, and Naming Conventions. The standard information one would expect. Following this is a racial description of the First Folk. After the description of the First Folk, the creators move into describing 2 Class Archetypes, The Solstice Pariah (Taskshaper) and the Wild Hunter. Next comes an extensive and compelling description of the Fey Racial Paragon Class, taking a character from level 1 to 20. This book closes with six fey feats.

This is by far the most stunning book I have reviewed from Rite Publishing! In the past I have been critical of their use of stock art and flirtations with color art. My only complaint with this product is I wish there had been more art. The cover of this book while Drow worthy, was hauntingly beautiful, just like the Fey themselves. The page borders (which Rite has always chosen well) – a woodland scene that is museum quality. What makes this product even better is that it’s much more than just a pretty face.

I have seen the fey get different levels of treatment from fantasy RPGs for years; as you can imagine some of those treatments have been overwrought, while others have seemed like an afterthought. This book hits that sweet spot; it is dead center and spot on. The introduction and its narrative form are compelling. I felt like I was being treated to the introduction to a really good novel that happened to contain some really solid, rules crunch. I was slightly distressed that the abbreviation Dr. was used in the introduction as I think that is a more modern term for someone who is learned, but that was minor, really minor. This product had its hook into me quickly, after just a few pages of the background information I was already formulating ideas for a fey campaign.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks for taking the time to do a review, Special Note: The term Doctor is older than you think and was in use in the 11th and 12th century (thanks to places like the University of Oxford and the University of Paris among others). Steve Russell Rite Publishing
In The Company of Fey: A 1st-20th level Player Character Racial Class (PFRPG)
Publisher: Rite Publishing
by Thilo G. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 01/06/2014 05:53:16

An review

This installment of Rite Publishing's "In the Company of"-series is 28 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page SRD and 2 pages of advertisements, leaving us with 23 pages of content, so let's take a look, shall we?

As has become the tradition of the series, we kick off with an aptly-written frame-narrative, this time even featuring a nice, disturbing poem - from the perspective of Red Shuck, we are introduced to two different origin myths - one brighter, one darker, both including nods to Auberyon, the fabric of dreams and tying superbly in with Rite Publishing's established canon - disturbing and whimsical, both are well-worth the read. Now physical-description wise, the First Folk have three distinct shapes - their "original shape", the human/elf-like "seeming" and the at times beautiful, at times disturbing "aspected form", which most First Folk consider their original form that reflects their nature. Born from the material of dreams, the first folk may create new individuals by giving up a part of their very being. Bonds with other races, their take on alignment and religion and their roles as adventurers and of course, nomenclature are covered as well in this supplement, featuring a selection of nice, flavorful insights into First Folk psychology.

Now crunch-wise, the First Folk gets +2 Dex and Cha, -2 Wis, +2 to saves versus illusions and may automatically disbelieve any illusions within 10 ft., are treated as both fey and humanoids with the shapechanger-subtype, heal +2 points when benefiting from magical healing and twice as many hit points from natural healing, but may not heal naturally damage inflicted by cold iron weapons and may assume the "Seeming" as a polymorph effect, a fixed humanoid form that can't be changed later. I assume at will, but unfortunately, the ability fails to specify the type of action that changing shapes is. Oh well, at least it does mention the effective spell level. They also get a special sight that works like low-light vision and automatically pierces seemings of other First Folk. The unique lack of aging in the prime material plane is covered thankfully in the age-height and weight-table as well.

Of course, we also get a wide array of alternate racial options: +2 Con and Dex, -2 Int or +2 Int and Cha, -2 Str would be alternate attribute modifier-sets and a total of 12 other ones await as well: From being better skirmishers, three arrays of minor spell-like abilities usable 1/day, a resistance to negative energy, darkvision and light blindness, improved DCs for curses and hexes, energy resistance 5, bonuses in the shade or fey-like resistances/immunity to sleep. you can also play First Folk that have been exiled or First Folk that may change alignment every level. The latter is particularly cool, though it also opens some questions: Does this alternate racial trait allow a First Folk to e.g. take a level as barbarian and next level, change alignment to lawful and become a monk? I assume that's not possible as per the text of the respective classes. Still, even if that's not possible, the trait is roleplaying potential in gallons - Seriously, think about the story-telling potential. This one is VERY fun!

We also get an array of favored class options, covering barbarian, bard, druid, ranger, rogue, sorceror, summoner and witch as well as the 3pp-classes shaman, time thief, taskshaper and luckbringer - all of which are nice and balanced.

Of course, there also are new archetypes for your perusal, first of which would be the Solstice Pariah for the TASKSHAPER! Yes, my favorite shapechanging class gets new fodder! These beings, cursed by Auberyon to become Taskshapers essentially blend the taskshaper and the new racial paragon-class contained herein - interesting archetype!

The Wild Hunter archetype for the witch gets a hound of the hunt as a familiar - complete with unsettling aura and may conjure forth steeds from the hunt and later even hunters in the guise of a wolfish spiritual ally -rather cool high-concept archetype here!

Now I've already mentioned the racial paragon class - which has no name beyond "First Folk Paragon" - a bit of a pity there. The class is not available for lawful characters and crunch-wise nets you d6, 6+Int skills per level, proficiency with simple weapons and light armor, 1/2 BAB-progression and good ref- and will-saves. Yes, no spellcasting. But let's take a look, shall we? At first level, the paragon chooses one particular aspect of the prime material plane - a total of 6 different aspects are there for the choosing. Each aspect comes with two skills that henceforth get an untyped bonus of 1/2 character level, min 1 and the aspect also offers a unique ability: Wild Empathy, Favored Terrain, environmental adaption versus deadly terrain/climates. Alternatively, one aspect allows for a sense motive check to " learn a creature’s biggest and most immediate fears and concerns. When this ability is successfully used on a shaken, frightened or panicked target, the first folk paragon also learns the target’s surface thoughts" - per se cool, but what do surface thoughts entail? As per detect thoughts? Is this a mind-influencing effect? It ought to be, I guess... Improved saves versus fey are offered by another aspect and a third allows for an emotional surge that nets + 2 to Str and Con, +1 to will-saves and -2 to AC like a barbarian's rage or alternatively gain +1 to atk, damage and skill-checks and can be maintained as a free action. It can be used 2xlevel+cha-mod rounds per day, but unlike a rage, a surge is a mind-influencing effect that does not impede concentration etc.

First Folk Paragons also get DR scaling up to 5/cold iron and at 2nd level and at every even level after that, the First Fold Paragon learns a fey power. Unless otherwise noted, the fey powers use a DC of 10 +1/2 class level + cha-mod if applicable and some, those marked with an asterisk, can only be used when is aspected form. Aspected Form? Yes, before I cover the Fey Powers in detail, let's take a look at the aspected form ability gained at first level: Depending on the aspect you've chosen, you'll also get aspected form abilities. Unfortunately, once again the pdf does not clarify which action the changing of forms is, just what level the polymorph effect to change shapes is. Depending n your shape, you get natural weapons (like claws, a bite or even hooves) or may even shape large swaths of terrain, potentially entangling adversaries or grant other creatures luck bonuses or penalties. Also interesting - one aspect form allows them to unleash specific bolts as a standard action that deal 1d6 (+1 1d6 for every two levels) and may deal either fire, cold or electricity damage. or nonlethal damage, which should be a bane to ranged fighters, as it affects the target with severe winds for a round. The effective spell level of this ability scales up to 9th and the damage to 10d6 at 19th level. I'm not a fan of this ability. Unlimited touch attacks are an unpleasant thing to contend with, even before adding in the elemental flexibility. That being said, the bad BAB and limited range keep me from breaking into one of my OP-rants. Still - a generous limit (like 2xclass level + cha-mod) would see me much more comfortable with this particular aspect form.

But back to the fey powers, shall we? Let's take a look at the captivating tail power - usable only in aspect form, the tail allows for the fey to fascinate nearby creatures, even so far as to have them follow you - Hameln's (or Hamelin in the English-speaking world) famous Rat-catcher, anyone? Especially since, much like the legendary flutist, there is no caveat of not following into dangerous areas... Another ability allows First Folk paragons to curse buildings to curse all who spend a prolonged time inside to be hounded by hostile animals -as a supernatural ability, which means no break curse. OUCH. Here would also be a good place to mention fey powers with a certain affinity - a total of 13 of the powers come with an affinity - for all intents and purposes, Paragons with the appropriate aspect for the affinity treat this particular power as if they were two levels higher. Have I mentioned the ability to actually EAT non-instantaneous spells? Enchanting dust (with mania-inducing and AoE-upgrades and even blindness + bleed damage/ undead-sanctums or aging foes as possible effects!), splitting into two (one of which is an illusion, but tangible enough for flanking), taking on the aspect of eldritch plants (6 different effects!), producing a confusion-inducing toxin, growing wings, poaching in the druid and sorceror-spell-lists (or rogue's sneak attacks or stacking benefits with bardic performances), additional prowess versus undead foes jumping impossibly high, highjacking curses or exploiting the law of sympathy between creatures (or creatures and objects) - the powers offer a complex and interesting array of options for first folk to pursue.

That's not all, though - starting at 3rd level and every 3 levels after that, the First Folk Paragon unlocks an ability called aspect endowment - these grant the first folk additional powers usable exclusively when in aspect form. Especially the environment-aspect endowment, which provides a vast array of different benefits depending on the terrain they find themselves in - neat!

At 7th level and again at 13th and 19th level, the First Folk Paragon also learns a type of spelltrick from either the sorceror or druid-list as spell-like ability. Starting at 9th level, the paragon also learns to create complex illusions (dubbed waking dreams) at will, fitting nicely with the theme of glamers. The capstone essentially allows for a type of immortality - only in the primal world can the character henceforth be permanently slain.

We also get 8 new feats herein - improved disguise via seeming (important in investigation/socially-strong campaigns), making your seeming blend in with the surroundings, making untrained knowledge checks, gaining bonuses versus those affected by polymorph effects (and even suppress them), gaining a sidhe-form or the skill bonuses (but not the other benefits) from a second aspect - all in all, solid feats.


Editing and formatting are very good - apart from one ability being wrongly italicized and very minor glitches, I didn't notice any issues. Layout adheres to a beautiful two-column full-color standard with borders that reflect a nice old painting of nature. The artwork deserves special mentioning - while fans of Rite Publishing will recognize e.g. the artwork of Auberyon from Coliseum Morpheuon, but most of the artworks I've never seen before and they universally are beautiful full-color pieces. Impressive! The pdf is fully bookmarked for your convenience.

Speaking of impressive - author Wendall Roy has created a supplement here that is a joy to read indeed - the race per se is awesome and the racial paragon class complex. Half BAB, no spells, all tricks - can it work? Surprisingly, yes - but it's a class that REQUIRES careful deliberation: taking e.g. only the natural attacks will make you terribly ineffective. This class is all about smart playing and properly using the abilities, which in another class I'd often consider unbalanced - here, they are the tools that ensure survival. While I'm not sold on the unlimited ranged touch attack, the overall class, when run in my simulations, worked rather fine and offers intriguing roleplaying potential indeed without resorting to tried and true ability-suites. The taskshaper archetype is exceedingly cool to see, as is the glorious writing and in the end, my only gripes are that the alternate forms don't really do that much to influence crunchy abilities - a tighter synergy would have improved this even further. That, combined with the minor glitches here and there unfortunately keep this pdf from reaching the highest rating echelons: As written, I will settle on 4.5 stars, rounded down to 4 for the purpose of this platform.

Endzeitgeist out.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
In The Company of Fey: A 1st-20th level Player Character Racial Class (PFRPG)
Publisher: Rite Publishing
by Megan R. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 10/12/2013 12:01:01

Opening in delightful style in the words of a captured fey, this work tells of the nature and culture of the fey as they themselves see it, for this enables you to make fey characters should you wish to take these enchanting yet often foul and grim beings out of the realm of the 'monster' to mix with an adventuring party.

Here we read of how fey have three different forms: their natural one, their 'seeming' and another unique one which is the monstrous aspect, the appearance of which gives rise to tales of boggarts and wil'o'wisps and the like. The 'seeming' is the one used to walk amongst normal folk and can look like a human or an elf. There's plenty more detail too about fey outlooks and behaviour and attitudes.

Then we get down to the rule mechanics of creating a full-blown fey character. There are racial traits galore, favoured class options and a couple of archetypes which go some way to giving background to just why a fey has chosen to live in mortal realms long enough to take up adventuring. Also there is a 'paragon class' that blurs the lines between race and class for those seeking to be the epitome of a fey. Truly potent beings, a paragon fey is a force to reckon with... treat with care lest one unbalances your game. But with a strong role-player this could be intriguing indeed.

The product rounds off with a collection of feats for fey alone. This is a fascinating concept - stories abound of fey coming to live amongst mortal men. Now you can make this happen at your table!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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