This is a nifty setting-creation mini-game that uses Tarot cards. There is a special deck coming soon, which in addition to striking original artwork will include the prompts for the game directly on the cards. Until that arrives, you'll need your own Tarot deck and the lookup tables from this book.
The mini game works something like a less in-depth version of Microscope, although you can go as deep as you want to. It's also a little bit like the Backstory Cards from Magpie, but less specific and more free-form. I look forward to using Decuma in Session Zero of my next campaign, but it could be fun as an evening's entertainment, almost like Fiasco (without the dysfunction - unless you add that in).
The 24 pages here are richly laid out for use on a tablet (although there is a printer-friendly version included as well) and include a cover, a Table of Contents, 10 pages of rules (including variants), the lookup tables, plus five pages of backer names. Well worth the money, and a promising opening bid from a new publisher.
If you've ever wanted a game where stealth gets the same attention that combat does, this is the game for you. It provides an abstract but still crunchy system for playing out infiltrations, with options for not only the Techie and the Face, but cybertech and psionics as well.
This is an excellent little book, whether you use it straight up for a covert ops game, or adapt its ideas to any game where the characters go sneaking about (and that's almost every game, right?). If you liked John Wick's Wilderness of Mirrors, you'll like this game.
This looks like a fun and accessible introductory campaign frame for people new to Fate. The Musketeers tie-in should give many players a handle on the setting, and who doesn't want to fly around with a jet-pack? For Fate GMs, there is a nifty take on Conspiracies that can be ported to any setting.
I bought this looking for the tables that Traveller is famous for, but that's not what this is. It's all textual descriptions of interstellar trade, with a few very Traveller-esque illustrations. The information is probably good, but it's doubtful it could be as good as in the excellent Far Trader book for GURPS Traveller. For a few bucks more, that is a much more robust treatment of the topic.
This is an excellent way for a group to get rolling with a SteamPunk campaign - or a Fate campaign - or both - with very little preparation. The book walks you through launching your new game step by step, presenting a bunch of premade character sketches that you can add your own touches too, but leaving enough room to build characters from scratch if you want to. You'll need some familiarity with the concepts in the Fate Core rules to use this book well, but if you've read those rules and are saying "Now what?" this is the book you need.
Beyond the creepy bone pentagrams, this package has a couple views of an church, which seems to be lost in some otherworld. These could be just the images you are looking for.
I bought this specifically for the last adventure I ran, where Our Heroes were putting a stop to some cultists in a New Orleans Warehouse. I trimmed out the screaming, and the monstrous voice at the end and it worked very well. Not that those pieces were bad - I just didn't need them. I think anyone in a similar position would find this likewise useful. It's a quality piece.
This is a useful set of music, even if you aren't playing the campaign that it references. I imported most of the album into the playlists I use for background in my urban fantasy game. A few of the tracks are a little too fantastical to fit, but battle music is battle music and a little Wagnerian influence never hurt anyone.
If you can remember to play a sound amidst all your other duties as GM, hitting your players with a dragon's roar ought to make a big encounter even more memorable. There is a decent variety across the sounds in this collection, so you ought to be able to find something you like that will make your players jump.
If you enjoyed your first game of Fiasco, but feel like didn't quite "get it", or if you just want you next game to be EVEN MORE AWESOME, you want this book. And it reads easily on a tablet.
Everything you need to know (and a few things you weren't meant to) about His Squidliness and Mr. Lovecraft. Quippy and fun to read, this is Ken Hite rollicking in his element.
Don't let the cover art scare you off. This is a surprising game with an unusual card-based resolution mechanic. If Scion was too gonzo for you, and Part-Time Gods not gonzo enough, you might like this. If nothing else, there is an interesting cosmology here that's worth a read.
I picked this up based almost entirely on the wordplay in the title. The use of constructed words continues throughout the text, and it almost turned me away. The various cybernetic monsters in the setting all have clever names, starting with "Nosferodent" and proceeding further afield. The terminology is something of an inside joke among the characters, but it comes close to detracting from the tone of the writing.
The setting is an alternate 21st century America where the CIA and its competitors have access to fantastical cybernetics and the "War on Terror" has a whole different meaning. Like the protagonist, the story has a dark and violent core under its snarky exterior. Not for the faint of heart, the surprisingly complex plot turns back on itself more than once, and I mean that in a good way. There are graphic descriptions of severe injuries, some very twisted personalities, and truly horrific zombies.
I was not familiar with the author's other work before I read this. It reads like a self-published first novel, albeit a promising one. I look forward to reading more in the series, as something of a guilty pleasure.
If you like heroic vampires and gunplay, you will probably enjoy this story. Just take the campiness for what it is, and roll with it.
I needed a jungle map for this month's session, and this fit the bill perfectly. The image is sharp and clean, and printed just fine on four sheets. The arrangement of terrain objects forced some interesting choices.
I was looking for standups, and these are not them. But if you need flat markers for some kind of a steampunk game, these would do just fine. The artwork is clean and the characters look spunky.