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Forest of the Fae - from the RPG & TableTop Audio Experts $1.49 $0.49
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Forest of the Fae  - from the RPG & TableTop Audio Experts
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Forest of the Fae - from the RPG & TableTop Audio Experts
Publisher: Ambient Environments
by Chris H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 10/07/2013 22:33:50

Imagine a beautiful, perhaps slightly mysterious forest. Birds chirp in the trees, the wind blows softly, and a brook babbles nearby. Add some musical accents and you’ve got “Forest of the Fae.” This track is very peaceful, even beautiful, and loops perfectly. I left it running for well over an hour earlier today and never got tired of it. The only “downside” to this piece is that RPG sessions don’t usually feature extended scenes in lovely, peaceful locales …

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Love this review! Especially the last part, which is why this is one of the only "peaceful" ambient tracks in the collection.
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