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Gunslingers and Gamblers
Publisher: FJ Gaming
by Steve C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/20/2006 00:00:00

Back in the Saddle: The Return of the Western RPG

?Gunslinger? joins a growing community of ?pure? western RPGs. While certainly not a ?history lesson with dice?, the game pays close attention to both the well-known tropes of the genre and the peculiarities and uniqueness of the historical context. In a true sense, this thoroughly is a complete western game and not simply a system grafted to a ?googled? together.

The slick system mechanic uses ?traits rolls? resolved with standard poker dice and chips. Here characters may be rolling against a static difficulty or a livelier opposed roll. More abstract than ?number crunching?, the mechanic is fresh and supports the flow story over endless bookkeeping.

Characters tend to be themed and specialized while still being capable of functioning within the larger game context. Importantly the combat system is flexible enough to represent both standard gunplay and the ?shoot-out? so central to the genre. A skilled gunfighter can end combat quickly yet the mechanic works well in balancing lethality with playability.

Rules aside, the bulk of the book provides GMs and players with the material to run solid old west game. From regional to local (Harris County Wyoming), the books supplies instantly playable locales. Other chapters cover environment, equipment, character interaction and the obligatory introductory adventure.

The strength of ?Gunslinger? is the playability and the completeness of the product. If you crave a ?purer? old west experience, get this game. If you preferred ?Tombstone? to ?Wild Wild West?, get this game. If the rage-inducing truncations (?fighting?, playin?, annoyin?) in most other western games made you buck like a bronco, get this game. It?ll be your huckleberry.

<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Gunslingers and Gamblers
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Creator Reply:
Cheers Steve :)
Privateers and Pirates
Publisher: FJ Gaming
by Steve C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/01/2006 00:00:00

RPing Under the Banner of King Death

An solid system that stresses 'realism' over swinging from the chandelier. Characters have a few things they are good at (remember what was good about Traveller?) so you tend to have fewer skills and specialities. Result?: this is a great game for 'Troupe Style' play.

Mechanics are based on a 'roll over the target number' (roll % dice) system. Combat is interesting in that it can be quick and deadly while at other times there is the back and forth of swordplay. An interesting damage system that makes you respect weapons and think twice about doing the math that lets a 2nd level PC always take the first sword hit without worry. Oh, and don't bring a knife to a gun fight.

No magic, supernatural or talking parrots, thank goodness. Also, the author's passion for the subject is evident. 'Privateers and Pirates' doesn't shackle you to the Spanish Main. Barbary pirates, got it. Zanzibar, ditto. Piracy in various eras is also covered.

If you are interested in genre, be it realistic or Disney-esque, buy this game. It's hard enough to find RPGs grounded in some kind of fact, so let's support one when it comes along. You'll thank me...pirate's honour.

<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br><BR>[THIS REVIEW WAS EDITED]<BR>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Privateers and Pirates
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Creator Reply:
Thanks Steve, Glad you enjoyed it :)
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