Cute & Fuzzy Seizure Monsters is at once a supplement for the Pet Monster genre of games, and a scathing parody of it. As an adaptation of the genre it works well, giving all the needed Attributes, Monster advice and plot hooks needed to get a good, meaty Pet Monsters game off the ground. Remember this, those of you who love the genre.
The majority of space in this book is devoted to cutting satire and criticism of the genre. The author (and GoO founder Mark McKinnon) seem to have strong objections to the 'cockfighting' mentality of the game genre, and go to great lengths to point out the hypocrisy of selling such a brutalizing lifestyle primarily to young children. At times, it seemed to me that the satire overwhelmed the game material, making the book only usable for those interested in parodying the genre.
Overall though, for those willing to take the text with the intended grain of salt, there's a lot of solid, useful advice here for a serious game within the genre, maybe even one that recognizes that most of the anime about Pet Monsters out there does address the 'cockfighting' nature of the hobby.