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Flynn's Guide To Alien Creation
Publisher: Samardan Press
by Roger [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/22/2024 01:20:43

Fantastic resource for those who love creating aliens in the Traveller RPG. I was looking for something to help me randomly create aliens in my own Traveller game that could be used alongside official Mongoose Traveller rules. This hit spot perfectly. Highly recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Flynn's Guide To Alien Creation
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Shadowrun: Harlequin
Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs
by Roger N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/10/2013 15:02:49

This was the first of the original Shadowrun scenarios that I actually completely recall playing. In todays terms it would be a 'mega-scenario' covering a longer period of time with multiple potential spin offs through out. The group i played with at the time had played Shadowrun since it was released in the UK and this really did hit us with a whole new level of challenge.

I cannot recommend this scenario/adventure enough. For any group wanting to get some Shadowrun goodness this is really up there. In my opinion only Universal Brotherhood was better from the original Shadowrun 1ed released scenarios.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Shadowrun: Harlequin
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GM Mastery: Inns & Taverns Essentials
Publisher: Roleplaying Tips Publishing
by Roger N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/14/2013 14:20:35

I purchased this thinking i would get a lot more use from it than I actually have. There is no denying it is well written and packed full of really useful stuff, however as a DM/Gamer of 30 years I tend to ad lib a lot of what this book is telling me about. I guess im perhaps not the target demographic. I think for new DMs etc this book could be invaluable just sadly not for me.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
GM Mastery: Inns & Taverns Essentials
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Savage Worlds Sci Fi World Builder Toolkit
Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment
by Roger N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/14/2013 14:12:29

OK let me start by saying i came into the Savage Worlds game perhaps a little later than many other gamers. I have to say though since i did ive never looked back ! Great game, simple to play, run and teach. The Science Fiction World Builder toolkit is a fine addition to the game. It gives the GM everything they need pretty much to establish and build their own sand box Savage Sci-Fi game. Strongly recommend this book to anybody looking to use Savage Worlds for a sci-fi game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Savage Worlds Sci Fi World Builder Toolkit
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#1 With a Bullet Point: 5 Machinesmith Feats
Publisher: Rogue Genius Games
by Roger N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/23/2013 13:04:41

Really simplistic concept in terms of approach but really awesome ideas in practice.

The feats in this add extra dimensions to the game without overpowering anything. Too often you see feats that can seriously overpower characters. Not so here.

Really great ideas and for the price a no brainer - buy it !

[5 of 5 Stars!]
#1 With a Bullet Point: 5 Machinesmith Feats
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The Tinker: Master of Modular Mechanical Mayhem [PFRPG + OGL 3.5]
Publisher: Interjection Games
by Roger N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/23/2013 11:32:05

I bought this as I was intrigued by what it might offer to my home brew campaign. I'm developing one of the races to be predominantly clockwork, steampunk, machine using etc. This, from the description seemed to fit the bill.

Essentially the PDF gives you everything you need to play this class. Utilising what seems to be a 're-skinned' wizard build it does work really well. Utilising inventions, automatons and other such items e.g. Blueprints, I can see this fitting easily into any campaign where the GM is willing to allow something different.

It's only weakness, hence the score of 4 is a lack of artwork. It would have been nice to get some concept art for automatons within the PDF but it is something that with a little seeking out I guess you could find on the Internet.

Overall a solid addition into my campaign and good value.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Tinker: Master of Modular Mechanical Mayhem [PFRPG + OGL 3.5]
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Creator Reply:
Aye, the lack of artwork hurt me, too, sir. As it is, I'm simply not in any position to go out buying artwork yet. A year or two from now, however, I do see myself circling back, fixing a couple of the fundamental issues that errata cannot handle, and making a full color print edition of this wonderful little base class. Keep a look out for a free expansion in the coming weeks. The text is done - I'm just waiting on a new hard drive.
Publisher: Malhavoc Press
by Roger N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/23/2013 00:46:07

I really do love this product. I first purchased it way back when for use in my D&D 3e Eberron campaign. These days its a solid addition, with some minor tweaks, to my home brew Pathfinder campaign.

If you like to add the weird, wonderful and frankly downright twisted to your games then this is the book for you !

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Renaissance Deluxe
Publisher: Cakebread & Walton
by Roger N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/23/2013 00:43:22

Firstly let me start by saying i've recently done some freelance work for the guys at Cakebread & Walton using this rule system, however, this should not detract from my view of the game itself.

Renaissance is one of those games that, if you are like me, makes your imagination runs wild with possibilities. The rules are based around the standard d100 methodology that is familair to anybody that has played Call of Cthulhu, Legend and some of the iterations of Runequest. Simple and elegant the game is very much what you make it.

Ive run games of James Bondesque espionage set in the English Civil War, Cthulhu type mysteries in Tudor England and even used the rules for my own freelance work in the French & Indian Wars campaign im running.

A warning to those who intend to play the game though. It can be very lethal but this does ensure the players really start to think about consequences before firing that musket or drawing that sword !

I would strongly recommend this game system to anybody and everybody who wants to break away from the more traditional fantasy and sci-fi games. It use of the real world setting enables GM's to pilalge history for story ideas and the simplicity of the rules enables the story to come to life.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Renaissance Deluxe
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Mage: The Ascension (Revised)
Publisher: White Wolf
by Roger N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/16/2013 13:00:23

When this game was first released, a long time ago in a gaming life I had before I was married, it was just another storytelling game from White Wolf. Yes like all the other WW fans I bought it along with all of its expansions but I never really played or ran it.

I am so glad I've now picked up the game again. I'd never previously appreciated how elegant the magic rules are or how dramatic the game can be.

I cannot recommend this game enough and I can't believe I pretty much let it pass me by first time round - not this time though !

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mage: The Ascension (Revised)
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1st Ed Advanced Character Sheet
Publisher: Gold Piece Publications
by Roger N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/16/2013 02:20:17

I first saw this item as a 'Kickstarter' project and immediately signed up to it. This design is almost identical to the D&D 1ed character sheets that I used back in 1983 at my high school Roleplaying group. The design is simplistic and practical and is therefore highly recommended to all the old school gamers like myself out there.

The only weakness and the reason I can't give a 5 star is the space for spells. Unfortunately it's not enough room to write any notes about the spell which does niggle me although I accept that is personal taste.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
1st Ed Advanced Character Sheet
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