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Exalted: Essence
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Michael P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/15/2023 08:16:58

This is based on the pre-indexed version of the PDF, but this comes closest to giving me what I've always wanted out of an Exalted game since I first dived in during second edition. The authors did a fantastic job condensing and consoidating mechanics while keeping the flavor of individual options strong. Be forewarned, this ia a rules lighter Exalted, I would in no way call this game rules light. It's not a replacement for 3e if you appreciate the intricate crunch of the game, but it keeps that same spirit in a much more accessible form if you want something simpler. That being said, even fans of 3e that are content with that level of crunch might appreciate the window into Exalt types that are still years off from development.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Exalted: Essence
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Adventures Dark and Deep Game Masters Toolkit
Publisher: BRW Games
by Michael P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/29/2020 21:35:52

I'll make this more short and sweet. Much of what I said about the Players Manual applies here. The name here is accurate and conveys what you're getting pretty well. This feels less like a separate rulebook for GMs and more a collection resources and tools to be used in running the game. Plenty of tables to generate things on the fly and guidelines on how things will interact mechanically. Guidelines on everything from how weather can impact adventurers to how to build your setting. Not to mention a very broad seleciton of magic items to hand out. All in all, a very solid book.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Adventures Dark and Deep Game Masters Toolkit
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Adventures Dark and Deep Bestiary
Publisher: BRW Games
by Michael P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/27/2020 09:22:19

Again, much of what I wrote in my review of the Players Manual apples here. Especially in regards to this feeling like AD&D's greatest hits. I believe this has nearly every monster across the big books of baddies across 1e's line. There are a few not included as they're beyond the grace of the OGL, and considered part of D&D's brand identity. However extremely (almost shamelessly) comparable equivalents are included. (Though really, I think these highlight how silly and hard to enforce these restrictions are.) I'm very fortunate to have picked this up and be reviewing it after the release of a separate index, as that is indeed a blessing and highly recommended to grap. It's a freebie here on DTRPG that the author has graciously added. (It even points out the alternatives to missing monsters should you not notice them the first go around.) The book itself breaks out the monsters into very broad categories as to where you might find them or they originate. Which is great from a readability standpoint, but again. The index is a blessing. Seriously though, this is a ~450 page book of monsters. It's got plenty to last countless campaigns. If that isn't enough, the book is rounded out with advice on building and modifying existing monsters in the back. Perfect.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Adventures Dark and Deep Bestiary
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Adventures Dark and Deep Players Manual
Publisher: BRW Games
by Michael P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/27/2020 09:05:05

For some helpful context, I was an AD&D2e kid. That's where all the nostalgia is for me. This of course, isn't 2e. You've likely already read the deal. This is an attempt to imagine and construct what 2e might've been if Gygax himself did it. I think by and large this is a huge success, though all of my 1e knowledge comes after the fact. I've read some of the comments and interviews with the author and he really approached this the right way as far as I can tell.

Barring some minor complaints, I also think this is just an outstanding game. To be perfectly blunt I don't think we would've actually gotten this polished a layout from Gygax. The book is well structured, easy to follow, and generally presented great. It still has the feel of a 1e book. Some of the mechanical choices feel weird coming from even 2e on, but weird isn't bad. These all comes from either Unearthed Arcana or Dragon articles written by Gygax as well, so this was the direction he was leaning at the time. If anything I think the only judgement call I'm down on, and truth be told by a lot, is gendered differences in strength caps. That feels wildly unnecessary in a fantasy game. But it was there in 1e and I don't believe there was any sign that Gygax was interested in dropping it at the time. (Though my understanding is that Gygax never bothered with them in his home games and later expressed some regret in including them. He never included such caps in his later projects.) It's easy enough to ignore that without breaking anything however.

The character options here really shine. In some respects it feels like AD&D's greatest hits. Everyone's here, all the sub races you might think of are largely represented. Classes? So many classes. The bard presented here feels more like what we might think of as a bard today rather than the exceptionally odd many class change affair that was presented in 1e. But along them we see the Jester, Savant, Mystic, and so on. In fact spellcasting variety is quite substantial. I feel like there's something for everyone here.

This is already longer than I intended. Basically. If you're looking for a solid OSR game related to AD&D, this is definitely worth your time. The premise is neat and the results are exceptionally polished.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Adventures Dark and Deep Players Manual
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Publisher: EDGE Studio
by Michael P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/16/2020 20:07:40

This is one of the more compelling settings I've read in a while. It feels very flushed out and the book is extremely polished. It feels kind of like Darksun by way of snowball earth, but that ignores a lot of the more interesting cosmology elements going on here. It very much feels like its own thing and I dig it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Starcana Campaign Setting
Publisher: EDGE Studio
by Michael P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/15/2020 07:22:14

Richly detailed science fantasy setting. A number of neat ideas are here. I'm particular fond of the idea that the shared pantheon across the galaxy is.. incredibly wicked and vile, but their church (sort of) isn't. If you're looking for hard scifi you'll be disappointed, but if you're looking for something that will mash up space adventures with fantasy elements you'll be very pleased. Art and layout are all excellent, just in general really polished.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Starcana Campaign Setting
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Something Strange: Genesys Modern Horror Setting
Publisher: EDGE Studio
by Michael P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/15/2020 07:19:07

Less of a setting, more a toolkit to do just about any flavor of urban fantasy. It leans more in on horror, but you could easily use this to kick off any story that blends modern day and fantasy elements. The layout and presentation are top notch, and in general a great resource on top of what Genesys already comes with.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Something Strange: Genesys Modern Horror Setting
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Myth & Magic Player's Guide
Publisher: New Haven Games
by Michael P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/07/2014 13:26:44

I'm QUITE torn. The game itself, the book, all gorgeous. It's a great updated to AD&D2e. In fact pretty much everything I could want out of such a thing. I got the PDF by being a backer of the kickstarter.

The torn part though, is that I only got the PDF. I backed at a level for physical books and it's been over a year of assurances that all of the books have been shipped. Meanwhile very, very few backers seem to have gottten anything. Every now and then the fellow comes back on, promises that he's really sent them all to everyone, only to be silent again for months. (Meanwhile, even less on the Gamemaster Guide Book, which never even got to the PDF level.)

It's quite sad, because it's a really great product. Just be aware that in purchasing this you're supporting someone that ripped off their kickstarter backers, and has repeatedly lied to them. If that part doesn't bug you, it IS a great game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Myth & Magic Player's Guide
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The Veggie Patch
Publisher: Polgarus Games
by Michael P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/26/2010 10:16:56

An adorable setting really. It's not meant to be taken that seriously and it does the job of an imaginative brief excursion into a very silly setting very well.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Veggie Patch
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