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World of Darkness: Second Sight
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World of Darkness: Second Sight
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World of Darkness: Second Sight
Publisher: White Wolf
by Christopher H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 07/17/2012 14:50:33

Now one of the strengths of the NWoD line is the basic mortals game. This book builds on it and adds loads of great new things.

Second Sight is broken down into a few key chapters.

Chapter 1 looks at the different types of powers and sources of power in general, and how to include them in your games.

Chapter 2 looks at psychic powers, and boy there are a lot of them. All of them take the form of merits, or various ranks, and span a wide range of powers. If you wanted some guidelines on how to run a X-Men type game I would look at these rules. These powers are a great addition and really allow mortal characters some cool new tricks that would make such characters a great addition to any of the game lines, or just a good addition to a mortals game that emulates things like Supernatural, X-Files or Fringe.

Chapter 3 introduces low magic. Again it uses the merit system, and there are 5 distinct flavours. This is basically Hedge Sorcery for NWoD. The magic is slow and not as powerful as that for Mage, but it does lack paradox, and offers a great route to play mages awakening having dabbled in low sorcery.

Chapter 4 gives us the outer dark. Think Cthulhu. Yes monsters of the outer void, mind-bending terror, and cultists. All of this is already within games like Mage, but here it is approached in a manner more suitable for the mortals (or non-mage) game. Again there are a host of foul abilities for monsters and cultists born of these maddening entities.

Finally there is a story in the appendix that is ready to run which deals with the 'Power', a earth-shattering power that is out of control.

Really get this book. The art lends to the content well, and in total is a must have 'Blue' book.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
World of Darkness: Second Sight
Publisher: White Wolf
by Zach R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/16/2007 22:32:31

Good book, contains new options that allow normal mortals to gain a slight chance against the other supernaturals. The section on cults and creating gods will help anyone who needs to figure out how to add more Cthulhu-esque creatures to there games. Overall, the whole book has seen a lot of use in my games.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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