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Publisher: White Wolf
by Scott M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/16/2010 08:10:47

A solid effort, but one that sometimes feels a bit underwhelming - owing, perhaps, to the 'hands-off' approach of the covenant. The implied emphasis on allowing Vampires to find their own way in the night does tend to mean that there is less 'covenant dogma' here then there is in some of the other, comparable sourcebooks. The addition of 'Carthian Law' is by far the meatiest discovery to be had - and while it may not be a chronicle altering development, it does suecceed in putting a definite (and consistent) flavor to any Carthian domain - regardless of the specifics of the doman's politics, or lack thereof. An interesting book, but one that still somehow manages to feel just a bit light - perhaps rightly so, where it is based on the youngest major covenant.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: White Wolf
by Enrique F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/09/2006 12:41:41

A good book again, White Wolf is doing quite well with the covenants books. What has surprised me more is the big amount of history and ideology included. I know it's probably the most political covenant but I didn't expect so many pages dedicated to the matter. The Carthian Law is one of the things that I liked more of this book, it's very interesting to implement it on the chronicles. The examples of carthian failures and successes was also a very good read. All in all an interesting read.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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