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Frozen Fortress of the Winter Warlord
Publisher: Gallant Knight Games
by Richard K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/16/2015 08:58:52

I've enjoyed reading several of Spahn's character creations for Labyrinth Lord over the past few months, so it doesn't surprise me that he can write a heck of a good adventure as well. The part you read to players is italicized and monster/treasure stats are separated and indented, making reading easy on the eyes. The module has new magic items (I especially love the sword). New creatures! (My favorite is the Clerical Lich). The bad guy at the end has an entire page dedicated to him - the character development is really good. There are a couple of NPCs and player handouts (text) of Notes & Journals to hand out. A couple of small suggestions if any updates are planned: use actual #'s for the locations, don't spell out twelve (12). Also I would remove "NPC" from the monster stat line and just bold print the actual monster name instead. Not including the maps, the PDF is over 50 pages. So you're getting alot of value for such a fair price. I was very impressed with what I got for my money on this purchase.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Frozen Fortress of the Winter Warlord
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T2000 v1 Twilight: 2000
Publisher: Mongoose
by Richard K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/16/2015 08:00:04

Like others have already mentioned - most fun character creation system ever. I have played both editions and First Edition is the only way to go. Second edition replaces many of the % rolls with d10 and the game lost detail and the "right feel". Trust me on this. The rating - well, I would give it 5 stars easily because of the value of the bundled deal. Its great to get all the books at once so heavily discounted. I wish other "big" publishers would do this. However, the scanning is some of the worst I've encountered on this website. And I've purchased alot of PDFs. Not only do the scans bleed through from the backside, the text clarity and sharpness is also poor. I recommend a complete rescan of this series ASAP and post the updates so we can re-download. thanks guys

[3 of 5 Stars!]
T2000 v1  Twilight: 2000
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X1 - The Unnamed Land
Publisher: Purple Duck Games
by Richard K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/23/2014 22:32:08

I really enjoyed the Return of the Rat Cult God, also by the same author and publisher. So when I received an e-mail about this latest Purple Duck Games release, I rushed to go download it right away.

The presentation is really good as I expected. NPCs in the Colony of Felton and the monsters in a small dungeon lair are all stated out. The lair room locations have italicized text for the descriptions that should be read to players. Personally I prefer the boxed text for this, but this will suffice. I was particularly impressed with the outdoor wandering monster tables. There are 8, 1 for each of the various terrain types, plus a few special encounters/events that Perry Fehr works into the mix. There's more than a half-dozen new creatures that have really interesting abilities/features. They are presented in FULL color artwork as well. I enjoyed reading about the locations of Felton and the NPCs that are just full of character. With all their customized weapons, motives, and quirks - they are quite a colorful bunch. There's also a rumor table to boot :)

What I don't care for too much is not as much thought went into some of the monsters' names: Green Men, Gray Slayer, and Purple Men. Green men and Purple men especially should be named after similar colored crystals or rocks. But thats just my opinion - and some quick searches on google will get me some of those rock names I can substitute in. The other item that will enduce great hardship on me is that the colony of Felton was not mapped out - something I consider very lazy for a sandbox setting. However, this does not present a problem to LLs that prefer drawing their own maps anyway. And I wonder why the same name was used for the town in the Rat Cult God adventure? I went back and took another look and they seem similar in name only. There's no money because the situation is that the colony is failing - just gems and several opportunities to barter. While this does present new challenges to the PCs and lends itself well for some side adventures, it may become a bit frustrating for some groups to deal with after awhile.

This module was difficult to review. There were things that I really love about it and some things that make me consider deleting the PDF I downloaded. I didn't enjoy this as much as their other 2 LL adventures, Return of the Rat Cult and the Twice Robbed Tomb. However, those are adventures and this is more of a sandbox setting, so its kind of like comparing apples to oranges. So to be fair, I'll rate this 3 stars. In the end, it looks to be an interesting place for PCs to explore and level up from 4-5, but after that they'll probably want to move along elsewhere.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
X1 - The Unnamed Land
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B2 - The Twice-Robbed Tomb (Labyrinth Lord)
Publisher: Purple Duck Games
by Richard K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/23/2014 22:19:57

There is already a well-written review of this adventure that is "spot on". So I'll just mention a couple of things worth adding. First, I just love the idea of selling the PCs a map to get this adventure started. So simple, yet so brilliant! Then there are some notes for the LL if he wishes to add an encounter or two while the PCs are in route to the fallen capital. The tomb map has 10 locations - the perfect size for an evening of adventuring ;) There's no wandering monster table, but instead some ghouls that wander about. The final boss is AC0 and can only be hit by magical weapons, so unless you have an experienced player or 2 in your group - you probably want to make sure everyone is at least level 3 and has a magic weapon before taking her on. There's also a B/W artwork of the beautiful villain thats sure to "turn some heads" :)

If you're into Labyrinth Lord or Basic D&D, this adventure and the Return of the Rat Cult (also by Purple Duck Games) should definitely be in your library.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
B2 - The Twice-Robbed Tomb (Labyrinth Lord)
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The Ruins of Tenkuhran
Publisher: Cerberus Illustration
by Richard K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/19/2014 19:43:39

This module shows promise. The background story is good, but there really isnt a reason for the players to involve themselves in this. This poses a problem to groups that demand more story than killing and treasure hunting. Also, the descriptions are quite long and with no boxed in (or highlighted) text to read to the players. It has some nice B/W artwork and maps - the maps are absolutely amazing.. textured and 3D-looking. The adventure has a rumor table, pre-generated characters and some nice challenges which I will not spoil here. With a more involved story that gave reasons for the characters to go adventuring and a more friendly DMing text, this module would rank 5 stars easily. I'll go with 3 stars plus 1 extra star for some of the best B/W maps I've seen here.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Ruins of Tenkuhran
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Thank you Richard!
TM1 The Ogress of Anubis
Publisher: New Big Dragon Games Unlimited
by Richard K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/19/2014 19:40:34

I was looking for an Egyptian-themed module that could be completed in one sitting, and this one fits the bill perfectly.

It contains nice b/w art, good looking maps, and new monsters (mummified animals). The plot is good, but i decided not to mention any spoilers ;) It has pre-generated characters - great for one off pick up games. 10 plots and additional extra maps to expand the adventure if your players demand a sequel or two! Has detailed notes on how to make the stats compatible with various old school RPGs - mostly common sense stuff.

However, it lacks 2 important elements: a rumor table to roll on and boxed or highlighted text to read to the players. If these 2 items are addressed in an update, it would be 5 stars for sure.

Given the price, this is easily one of the best deals here.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
TM1 The Ogress of Anubis
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Advanced Adventures #14: The Verdant Vault of Malakum
Publisher: Expeditious Retreat Press
by Richard K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/19/2014 19:23:04

The PCs are sent on a task to map a tomb and recover a spell book. The party will have to travel for about a day to reach the tomb. There is a well thought out wandering monster list for the jungle, but not the tomb. Also, there is no rumor table. The text is not blocked or highlighted to show parts that are read to players. The map is a half page (long-wise) and there is not 1 single B/W art image to be found or pre-generated characters for that matter. It just lacks too many elements to be seriously considered.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Advanced Adventures #14: The Verdant Vault of Malakum
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Advanced Adventures #9: The Lost Pyramid of Imhoptep
Publisher: Expeditious Retreat Press
by Richard K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/19/2014 19:20:46

The pyramid is upside down? The text is DM unfriendly (no blocking/highlighting of text to be read to players). There is no B/W art at all to speak of, no pre-generated characters, no wandering monster list, and no rumor table. Its just missing too many elements that should be staple to all adventures in this day and age. I'm really disappointed in this purchase. This adventure needs a complete makeover. Its only because I'm I nice guy and I like Egyptian-themed modules that I don't give this 1 star.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Advanced Adventures #9: The Lost Pyramid of Imhoptep
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Advanced Adventures #8: The Seven Shrines of Nav'k-Qar
Publisher: Expeditious Retreat Press
by Richard K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/19/2014 19:16:15

ok this module's plot is your simple kill and treasure hunt - a plot which would not interest my group at all. It has a rumor table and wandering monster chart. No pre-generated characters or DM friendly text (blocked/highlighted of information that is read to players). The dungeon is 2 levels, each B/W map is about a half-page. There is almost no artwork within the text - and the ones that are there are uninspiring. I would give this 3 stars, but it gets an extra star for the magical shrines which are rather cool.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Advanced Adventures #8: The Seven Shrines of Nav'k-Qar
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B1 - Return of the Rat Cult (Labyrinth Lord)
Publisher: Purple Duck Games
by Richard K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/19/2014 19:05:09

The Return of the Rat Cult is an adventure that is designed to be played in one evening. These shorter modules are ideal for groups of players that have difficulty in getting all the same members back together for multiple sessions, and this format is also ideal to be run at gaming conventions. In addition, it should also be noted that the author does give plot advice for those that want to develop the dungeon further or add a couple of levels.

Speaking of plot, the characters are given several choices of things they can do before beginning the dungeon crawl. They have a time limit, so they must choose carefully. It also has a rumor table.

The map is half-page with 6 noted room locations. I especially like the collapsed tunnels and wandering monster tables that have additional special events other than just monsters, so don't let the low room count disappoint you. There's going to be plenty of things happening.

The text formatting is some of the best you'll find. Parts the DM reads to players is boxed and the monster stats are bolded and spaced from the main text for easy reading.

There's only 1 B/W art and it is a picture of the villain. Kinda disappointing, but it is a short adventure afterall.

I'm going with 5 stars because I think it is one of the best 1 session adventures to be found here and it would be unfair to compare it to campaign modules. If you judge it for what it is intended for, it is a perfect example of the "right way" to do things that hopefully other publishers will take note of and can learn from.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
B1 - Return of the Rat Cult (Labyrinth Lord)
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Dungeon Crawl Classics: Saga of the Rat King
Publisher: Goodman Games
by Richard K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/19/2014 18:19:45

I see that there's already an outstanding review written by Megan R. and I completely agree with all her observations. I'll just add a few quick additional notes identifying things I look for in top quality modules that I intend to use at a gaming convention at some point.

Beginning with the maps, they are sort of a mixed bag. The final adventure, Revenge of the Rat King has the nice "inside cover" style map I expect to see so I'm very happy with that one, even more so if it was "module blue" instead of black. Level 3 of the silver mine is really creative, as is the map for the Scourge of Silverton, complete with ore cart rail tracks. Unfortunately, the other 3 levels are pretty bland, forcing many DMs, including myself to redraw them or look elsewhere for alternatives.

The module includes sufficient wandering monster tables and the text is DM friendly, with each description containing an italicized section to be read to the players. There's nice B/W artwork throughout as well as several handouts for the PCs. There are no pre-generated characters, but being a low-level module I imagine most players would prefer to quickly roll their own. Having pre-generated characters though would be helpful to hand to latecomers.

Its priced a bit more than some PDF adventures, but since you're getting 3 quality adventures in this module, the decision to purchase and download should be fairly easy.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dungeon Crawl Classics: Saga of the Rat King
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Advanced Adventures #13: White Dragon Run
Publisher: Expeditious Retreat Press
by Richard K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/18/2014 23:26:20

White Dragon Run is a good module, but will need some prep before using it. It is a ready-made "fleshed out" village, complete with an Inn (and other businesses), rumor table, and wandering monster tables. However, the outdoor wandering monster table is missing a table for the Mountains of Xur, and many of the results on the Skaths table will result in a party wipe until the PCs reach at least 3rd level. 2nd level characters should be discouraged from adventuring at night or in the Skaths until they are higher level. It has quite a few interesting NPCs for the party to interact with. It also contains 2 small mini-adventures, a forgotten outpost inhabited by brigands, and the Gray Temple, which has a variety of undead, giant rats, and hobgoblins etc. The module has nice B/W art. Each map is about a half-page, so DM's will need to enlarge them to a full page before handing to players. Also, this series continues the nasty habit of not blocking/highlighting text to be read to players, which I think makes it inaccessible to new DMs. But overall, I really like this module. The experienced DM that has tired of running new groups through B1 and B2, will find this fresh adventure appealing.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Advanced Adventures #13: White Dragon Run
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Appendix N Adventures #1: "The Ruins of Ramat"
Publisher: Brave Halfling Publishing
by Richard K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/18/2014 22:05:09

This module already has a nice review that is "spot on", so I'll just cover a couple of things quick and dirty: the module text is DM friendly (italicized sections to be read to players), has a nice background and quick player hook, B/W art and player handouts. It doesn't have pre-geberated characters, which is just as well. I've never been a fan of 0-level characters, so we'll probably just roll some 1st level ones. The "jury is out" on two possible issues though. The pages look tall enough to be legal-sized, so I'm not sure if I'm going to have trouble printing this adventure out. Also, while the map looks amazing with not a single space wasted (B/W art), I'm not sure I'm going to have trouble or not reading it during gaming due to all the decorative art.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Appendix N Adventures #1: "The Ruins of Ramat"
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Advanced Adventures #7: The Sarcophagus Legion
Publisher: Expeditious Retreat Press
by Richard K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/18/2014 21:46:04

A little too violent for my taste. But if you have the stomach for it, the first half of the adventure is pretty good. But then there is a betrayal and after re-reading that section several times, I fail to see why the party would adventure to a temple rather than go after the sultan. The new scorpion monsters are pretty good. I would prefer that the text is blocked/highlighted to isolate what is read to the players. Will need alot of work from the DM to sort out the plot mid-way through and bring the adventure to a conclusion.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Advanced Adventures #7: The Sarcophagus Legion
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The Rebel Faction
Publisher: Usherwood Publishing
by Richard K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/18/2014 20:45:21

Looks to be a re-write of D123. Or at least the hex maps and certain features of the wandering monster tables reminded me of that series. The module is a huge campaign of over 50 pages and looks like it will need a group of gamers that can meet regularly for several sessions to finish. It has some of the best adventure maps in full color I have ever seen, particularly the outdoor ones. It has 2 detractors though that need fixing in a future update. The boxed text (monster stats) is way too small and what little art there is - is mostly wasted on images of pregenerated characters.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
The Rebel Faction
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