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Numenera GM Screen $1.99
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Numenera GM Screen
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Numenera GM Screen
Publisher: Monte Cook Games
by joachim v. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/14/2019 07:38:20

Great GM screen,

the illustration came in two set (one the the Numenéra logo and one without) wich is a nice thing.

The GM part of the screen is convinient and not pack with too much informations, making it easy to read.

Tha landscape orientation fit raly nicely with the Deluxe Vinyl GM Screen :)

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Numenera GM Screen
Publisher: Monte Cook Games
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/21/2014 14:00:32

This is an OK product. As others have pointed out, the artwork is really nice but the actual content is quite light with several pages being half blank. More game info, especially suggestions on when/how to GM intrusions would have made this a much better product.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Numenera GM Screen
Publisher: Monte Cook Games
by matt c. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/16/2014 00:59:11

Disappointing. Pretty thin on content. All reused art from the core book. Just a few tables on 4 pages. One of these pages is half blank! You can find better cheatsheets for free with a little Googling. Only buy this is you really want to print out the four 8.5x11 (watermarked!) art pieces, which I do admit look quite nice after being printed on glossy paper at my local office store. I love the game though! I suggest spending your money on a real supplement instead.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Numenera GM Screen
Publisher: Monte Cook Games
by Eli T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/11/2013 16:13:17

All of the art in Numenera, including this GM's screen, is gorgeous. The tables are useful and pretty much the ones that you are looking for. That being said, since the GM really doesn't roll dice during the game, a screen to hide your rolls and the like really isn't needed. The GM screen is high quality and the inserts are beautiful and informative, but you might pass this by in order to buy other really useful Numenera products, like the player's guide or the Devil's Spine.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Numenera GM Screen
Publisher: Monte Cook Games
by Nathan R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/08/2013 13:51:16

To me, a good GM screen helps significantly reduce the need for the GM to review the rule book for commonly occurring events/situations in a game.

Sadly, this set of inserts only scratches the surface of the amount of rules that could come up in a game session of Numenera.

There are four pages for the GM.

Page 1 hits the core rule about Task Difficulty, Distances, basic weapons and armor. Page 2 talks about the "special rolls" a player can get should their d20 roll certain numbers. Page 3 hits recovery roll times and damage from hazards Page 4 replicates the cypher list.

For those who have read the core book you know there are lots of information Chapter 8 about modifiers to Tasks. Items like lighting, gravity. As well as details around tasks like healing. Ruless that could easily be summarized and put on the GM screen.

There is lots of "white space" on pages 2 and 3 and would be a welcome space for many rule elements seen in Chapter 8 of the Core Rule Book. Rules that don't even make it into the Player's guide (that's a different issue all together), but cover the majority of situations that could arise in a game.

In the end, I penciled in what was missing and making my own screen, using this one as the chassis. But I would have liked more in here detailing the information in Chapter 8 - a section have to keep referring to as a game session goes along.

I suspect that the lack of core elements may have been an intentional choice, with the idea that Numenera is to be a fast play system, but the point behind Chapter 8 is giving guidelines on how to handle so many different aspects of play that can come up, from lighting to gravity, that it feels like that chapter 8 needs more exposure either in the GM Screen or in the Player's Guide (preferably both).

I also would have liked a layered PDF in such that the background art on the GM screens could be suppressed to provide a cleaner space to work from.

Still, for $2 it is hard to rate it low and is the only reason I did not give this a two star rating.

And since the Game License prevents someone else from creating a better screen (as the table data is proprietary) I can only hope that the makers of this one take the opportunity to improve upon the design before they throw money in making their own hard copy screen.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Numenera GM Screen
Publisher: Monte Cook Games
by Ken H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/06/2013 23:00:51

Great artwork, useful tables and a great concept to use a generic GM screen and only have the printable pages available, although I can see reason for wanting the pages in portrait orientation.

A few more pages and tables would have been handy to give uses more choice as to what to put in their screen (or to just keep as a stack of reference material close at hand), especially with how sparse some of the pages are. The lists of Artifacts and Oddities, the Armor table for Might cost per hour, the tables for climbing surface difficulty and jump distance, and maybe a couple of others would have been great additions to the PDF.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Numenera GM Screen
Publisher: Monte Cook Games
by Alexandre J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/05/2013 08:40:41

As other users have pointed out, having watermarks on the illustrations meant for the DM screens kind of ruins the purpose of the product.

Beside that the tables are clean, readable and functional.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Numenera GM Screen
Publisher: Monte Cook Games
by Lucas A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/02/2013 19:10:05

I do have to agree with the other people about the watermark on the artwork, really lame. Even though I exported the images and cropped them out.

A little ingenuity doesn't hurt when it comes to making a screen.

I printed the pages double sided at Kinko's for a dollar each and then laminated them for another buck, then put them together with clear packing tape as hinges and got a nice GM screen for a total of ten bucks.

It doesn't have to be expensive.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Numenera GM Screen
Publisher: Monte Cook Games
by Raphael R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/28/2013 06:10:09

Content- and layout-wise, this game screen appears very good. The tables summarize most if not all of the most crucial information you'll need running Numenera. There is also plenty of empty space to slide in additional notes if you don't mind covering up the artwork.

I also like the decision to offer a very cheap product that can be used with a generic GM screen.

Two sore points:

  • The watermarks are not nice for printing. They are not too prominent and can be cut away without much harm.

  • People who own a portrait-oriented generic GM screen will have a hard time using this product. It should be easy enough to include portrait versions of the sheets in the file.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Numenera GM Screen
Publisher: Monte Cook Games
by David J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/23/2013 15:56:01

The pages are marked with the individuals details which detract from the artwork. This should have been released as a complete item. One complete DM's screen, not just pages to slip into another product.

Yes I can understand that they were probably trying to keep the price down but the DM will have to buy a DM's screen to use this item.

I already have a generic reusable DM's screen, which it is portrait, therefore rendering it useless for this product. I will obviously purchase a new one as I think the screen is good and will use it, but I still think it should have been a one stop complete product. are selling the The World's Greatest Screen—Horizontal/Landscape.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Numenera GM Screen
Publisher: Monte Cook Games
by Heath W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/22/2013 06:58:50

To start I'm not a GM screen kinda guy by and large. But this is both beautiful and useful. There aren't a lot of rules for Numenara and what ones there are are intuitive and easy to use, but it's good to have some useful tables and advice right there at your fingertips. And the artwork ... wow. I'm not sure about the other reviews but there is NO watermark or blemish on my pdf. I'll mount them on foam core from my local art store and put them to use.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Numenera GM Screen
Publisher: Monte Cook Games
by James J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/21/2013 20:04:28

4 pages of useful tables, 4 pages of cool illustrations, 4 pages of the same illustrations with the Numenera logo, none of which are usable as a GM screen without buying the recommended $25-$30 GM screen with pockets to hold the pages. And I can't find anyone who sells the World's Greatest Screen.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Numenera GM Screen
Publisher: Monte Cook Games
by Justin B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/21/2013 13:39:57

Although I haven't run a playtest with it yet, the content of the screen looks pretty solid conceptually. The art prints used for the front panels are very attractive.

Unfortunately, the decision to watermark the PDFs significantly debilitates the product. Having a garish and unattractive watermark stuck on top of every single art panel kills the aesthetic appeal of a product which is largely about aesthetic appeal.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
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