As a supplement for Larger than life this a good book.
However, I was saddened by the lack of detail on the setting. I'm afraid you'll have to make that up. Also if you are thinking that this will be great for some Steam Punk fun then you will probably be disappointed. Yes you can play a Steam Punk character but there is very little in the rules that help you to build a unique Steam Punk character
Anyway, enough griping. What's the good news? Well, you have an entirely new country to explore filled with lots of new NPC's. Lemuria is a tropical locale and as such this supplement really enhances your Jungle and Lost World adventures. Of note are the dinosaur rules. Ever fancied hunting a Dinosaur? I wouldn't recommend it unless you are awesomely brave!
The core of this book is the idea of hanging out in a bar in Mission St. Mary, looking suspiciously like Indiana Jones and meeting various NPC's who can hire your services to go on many and varied expeditions. Real good Pulp fare.
Also there are rules for you to play a Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle story. Edgar Rice Burroughs would be proud!
So. Let down in regard to Steam Punk and background info on the campaign setting. Somewhat small for its price, yet I find it a very worthy add-on to my 'Larger Than Life' games.
I would love to see an expansion that covered a setting like E.A. Burroughs John Carpenter on Mars books!