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The Demolished Ones (Fate) Free Preview
Publisher: Rite Publishing
by Brian F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/07/2014 07:02:22

Tons os description about this product, but it's all missing one important thing: This is almost word for word, scene for scene, image for image a re=tread of DARK CITY the movie. One supposes that the author either a) Didn't think anyone would remember a movie that wasn't a huge hit in the US more than 16 years ago, or b) was afraid of copyright issues. The movie however was a cult classic, with Roger Ebert being a huge fan.

The concept is taken directly from Dark City. The opening scene of the "adventure" is lifted almost exactly word for word from the screenplay, in many places throughout the adventure the concepts, and even the unique wording from the movie are used.

Just the fact that this got published and nobody has had the stones to lay it out honestly is offensive. I contacted the author about it and he stated that "It wasn't his intention" to lift directly from the movie. I'm not sure how he could say that unless this was written at gunpoint. This module needs at least one honest review.

However, IF you've never seen dark city, and if your players never have, then this could be a really interesting module for you. Otherwise, rent Dark City, then convert it to FATE. Won't take you more than a half hour, and the results will be the same, plus you'll have seen a really great movie.

All in all, this is an extremely dishonest product. If it stated on the box that it was a re-imagining of Dark city, or at the bare minimum "Inspired by" Dark City, I'd have no problem with it. I'm guessing that wasn't done because some of the stuff in this is so completely 100% lifted straight from Dark City, that there would be copyright issues with the studio. The fact that this was kickstarted is an even bigger shame. The author should be ashamed of himself.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
The Demolished Ones (Fate) Free Preview
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Harlan County Horrors
Publisher: Apex Book Company
by Brian F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/28/2013 15:56:47

I found this collection to be really a mixed bag. Some of the stories were horror, some were just odd. All of them were shorter than I expected them to be, though that's not necessarily a bad thing. A few of them really stood out in ways that actually made me wish they were longer, or expanded on a bit. Overall I'd say that this was a good, interesting read, but not great.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Harlan County Horrors
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