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Fate of Cthulhu
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by Peter C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/10/2020 05:31:25

Wow. what a great idea. Im still reading it - but its as if Terminator and Yog-Sothoth had a baby. An absolute antidote to those years of Call of Cthulhu, where you'd have a few beers at a speakeasy then go out to become a gibbering insane mess. While there's nothing wrong with that classic style of play, here to some degree the odds are changed in your favor. Sure you are fighting against cultists, monsters and a choice of great old one, but finally you have a chance to triumph. The future is dominated by the horrors of the mythos, by acting in the past you can change that outcome.

The book itself? Snappy narrative. The FATE mechanics are presented in condensed form so its really a complete game (but get the core book anyway - its a great and useful purchase which will provide much more detail). Some nice mechanics on how the flow of the future is changed (or not). There is plenty of meaty background material (organized by great old one), where a specific entity will/has been released, and needless to say, at first blush it seems like your work is cut out for you.

Bottom line. A nice take on a mythos that has been applied to every genre in the RPG world. This is a game where instead of watching your SAN drain away as you behold a gibbering blob of slime, offset it by throwing a grenade into its slavering jaws. As Conan would say (Howard used the Mythos as well) "if it bleeds it can die," so very, very true.

A five star purchase. Nice work!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fate of Cthulhu
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Thanks Peter!
The Frozen Watch
Publisher: Mongoose
by Peter C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/10/2019 16:27:56

A tightly written story very much in the spirit of the hard SF classics. A marine of the frozen watch has to use ingenuity and physics to stay alive - as moments after they awake they find themselves adrift in orbit, with no immediate hope of recovery. An easy, entertaining read, that never gets lost in the minutiae of canon but nonetheless has a strong Traveller feel. Entertaining, with a nice reveal at the end that challenges typical misconceptions of the genre.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Frozen Watch
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Exalted 3rd Edition
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Peter C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/08/2016 12:21:19

A Huge book full of Exalted goodness. I love the new systems that supplant the massive complexities of the old. I also like some of the new Exalted types they have introduced - but Im not holding my breath for seeing books about them anytime soon - prove me wrong please. Yes, as others point out Charm diagrams would have been nice. However this is a better effort all round. The only thing I really miss? The comic art at the beginning of each chapter!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Exalted 3rd Edition
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Eclipse Phase: Transhumanity's Fate
Publisher: Posthuman Studios
by Peter C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/17/2016 18:51:58

All i can say is "thank goodness" finally a system that makes this killer background more accessible. While theres nothing wrong with the original game system its very, very intensive. for gamers who wamt to quickly get into a game it was a major proposition in terms of an investment of time. Now? perfection. definiately one to buy.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Eclipse Phase: Transhumanity's Fate
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The One Ring - The Heart of the Wild
Publisher: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
by Peter C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/18/2013 15:16:32

I have bought every supplement for every LOTR game ever produced in the RPG world - yes really. In my opinion, ICE set the standard with their many supplements, but I have to say that this product really has opened up an exciting new prospect for LOTR RPG fans. It's well written, full of great ideas and great background material. It doesn't matter what system you play, if you love middle-earth you'll love this book. I really liked the ideas, the depth and the production. It's a great read, I enjoyed it immensely.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The One Ring - The Heart of the Wild
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