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Tech Swords I $3.00
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Tech Swords I
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Tech Swords I
Publisher: Applied Vectors
by Megan R. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 07/10/2013 11:17:34

Swords? For D20 Future? Well...

... yes, there are times when only cold steel (or something like it) will do. Consider, for example, the perils of firing projectile weapons in a pressurised environment, like a space ship or orbital habitat, for example.

Complete with beautiful almost photo-realistic illustrations and all apposite game stats, here are five distinct swords that have futuristic capabilities yet are still melee weapons any mediaeval warrior would recognise. Mostly.

There is a bit of a tendency to manga-style ridiculously-wide blades, a style which would make any competent swordsman worry about their balance, otherwise they're quite interesting. So if swords with inbuild personal force-shields (the Impellor Sword) or ones which vibrate sufficiently to deal additional damage (the Hammer Sword) appeal, here's where to find them, along with the rather nasty extending and disintegrating Singularity Sword, a Plasma Blade and a Phase Blade. No ordinary swords, these, they are true weapons of the distant future.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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