This is a valuable reference at a great price. If you're following Artifacts or any other current Top Cow series, then this reference book is worth picking up. It features character profiles, great artwork, and some details that you might have missed in your reading. I have found myself digging into it regularly.
Kirk Manley is quickly moving up my list of favorite artists with Z-Girl and the 4 Tigers #1. The art is beautiful, and it is very well complimented by the color work. I previously read the #0 issue in black and white . . . it was good, but the coloring really helps Manley's artwork stand out.
The concept is a fun one . . . if you're sick of zombie books but like the general concept, then this book is for you. If you like apocalyptic tales, Z-Girl has the right flavor. If you want to dig into a dense read that has good re-readability, Z-Girl is for you.
It is time for Jeremy Haun to take over the artwork on Artifacts! His style is a natural progression from the kinetic action-style of Whilce Portacio.
Writer Ron Marz digs deep to help us understand the Top Cow Universe, taking us to the last time when all 13 Artifacts were brought together and better clarifying the history and role of the Survivor. Make no mistake, the Survivor is no "good guy" to us and our world.
After making it through the first 8 issues of Artifacts (or 9, if you're counting the #0 issue), this issue helps to pull everything together. We get a better understanding of why this event is taking place.
That being said, this is not an "all ages" issue. There is some very well done adult content that moves the story forward but is still not for kids.
How can you go wrong with a Ron Marz script and Whilce Portacio pencils? You can't.
Artifacts 8 is the action book that Portacio fans have been expecting. The scales are tipping against the "good guys" (at least the side we are rooting for). Things are looking grim. Sara (the Witchblade) and Jackie (the Darkness) remain focused on one goal = getting Hope back alive and well. The rest of the team are focused on surviving attacks and keeping the Artifacts out of the wrong hands.
Tension. Setbacks. Romantic angst. Be sure to read it more than once, because the pacing and art might pull you through the book too quickly the first time you read it!
This is a really good story, being the first half of a previously published graphic novel. The pacing is quite good, and the storytelling works. Some of the character introductions are abrupt and confusing, but they are quickly explained in a way that you understand and have an interest in knowing more.
It follows Tom Straw in the late 1800s - a longhunter with a strong connection to the Shawnee tribe of Native Americans. Tom's struggle changes as he struggles with the encroachment of native lands.
But it is not preachy. It has two compelling stories with well-done action scenes. One early typo distracted me from the book, but the letterer did a good job overall. The book slows down about 2/3 in due to some understandable exposition.
Overall, it's a fun read.
There's a lot to like about this comic, which is standard sized and includes three short vignettes. While it is clear that the creators are still learning their craft, you can see their hard work coming through.
The artwork varies in style from sketchy to amateurish to polished, but all three do a good job of basic storytelling. The differing art styles helped me enjoy this book more.
All three stories are written with clever dialogue, and each has a "twist" away from what you are expecting. In that way, this is a fun read would be a nice diversion if you need a break from your reading list.
Has a book made your heart beat a little faster? Have you found yourself breathing a little deeper after reading a disturbing story? Echoes #1 will give you all of that. The first time I read this issue, I wasn't sure the story really matched my taste. The second reading, however, really caught my interest. Each time I read this issue, I get just a little bit more out of it.
This is a compelling story, with a disturbing overtone of serial killing and mental instability. The storytelling is remarkable, with the words providing a steady pace. The writer pulls you into the intrigue, and the artwork pushes you on despite the intensity of the story.
This is horror and suspense that is subtle and surprising. I can't wait to read Echoes #2.
Do you like frantic action, a fair amount of destruction, and provocative mysticism? Then Broken Trinity: Pandora's Box will work well for you. Add in a solid plot and really effective coloring, and you get a really well made comic. Fans of a rugged, sketchy style of artwork will be pleased with what Percio brings to the book.
In this issue, the race to find "Pandora's Box" comes to the end. Now, it is up to the wielders of the Ember Stone and the Glacier Stone to stop it from being opened. If opened, there is the potential to unleash grim brutality across the world.
This was a compelling read. At 252 pages, I wasn't sure I'd be interested, but instead I couldn't put it down. The art and storytelling has a very "indie" feel to it. If you're looking for an accessible Indie book and like a bit of gore and suspense along with your character development, you might like this book.
Junior High Schoolers are rotten. Everyone knows this, right? This book portrays some of the toughest behavior among the 8th graders, and even the people you root for as being "good" have their complicated moments. The panel layouts are good, the dialogue is peppered with occasional humor. In general, this was an enjoyable break in my reading list.
If you plan to pick up the Darkness II video game, then you'll want to grab this Free Comic Book Day edition of Darkness II: Confession. On the whole, this book feels like a video game intro and will help anyone not familiar with the current wielder of the Darkness: Jackie Estacado.
First, give me some Michael Broussard art anytime. Second, this is a good profile of Jackie Estacado and what motivates him since learning to control the Darkness. This issue is not action driven. Rather, it includes some important exposition about the character and what he cares about.
The Artifacts story is ramping up, and Top Cow gives an easy jump-on point with this issue. This issue also is the first to feature Whice Portacio as the artist. What does Whilce bring to the book? A fierce, kinetic style. The action starts now.
This is also a good issue to learn about Cyberforce and who they are in the Top Cow Universe. Cyberforce is introduced, and you get to know about the key powers of the team quickly as Aphrodite IV invades their headquarters to get this issue rolling. Make sure to read the "House of Cards" profiles written by Brian Rountree and featured on page 31 and 32 of this issue. These features are very helpful in getting to know any characters who may be new to you.
Ron Marz injects new life into this Top Cow character. The Magdalena wields the Spear of Destiny, which is known as the spear that pierced the side of Jesus. She is meant to be the protector of the Roman Catholic Church, although her allegiance is more to the common good than to serving the Church these days.
The opening arc of this series is masterfully written and nicely drawn. It will interest anyone who likes a bit of religious myth and intrigue to go along with the comic book action. This issue #4 is a pivotal point of the story, where the Magdelena closes in on the child who is rumored to be the devil on earth. It will satisfy your short-term comic desires while leaving you wanting the next issue SOON!
Famine. War. Death. Disease. They are in the bodies of some accursed bikers and are awaiting the Magus in the sleepy town of Ginsburg, CA. The Darkness is hired to come in and take them out. Not an easy task.
And this book is not one for the kids! Graphic violence and twists just might make you shake a little bit. Writer David Hine has imagined some gruesome circumstances, and artists Jeff Wamester and Jason Martin deliver it in quite graphic detail.
Issue #2 shows Jackie arriving to stop the Four Horsemen, only to find that his darklings aren't as effective as usual. Other forces are on their way to Ginsburg, and at the end of the book, it's all about to come to a head.
This is a good book for Darkness fans who want a fun story arc that doesn't play into the current Darkness or Artifacts storylines. If you want a nice, complete, and fun read, then check out Darkness: Four Horsemen.