I am jaded gamer. It is rare that I sit down and read something straight through, I mean so rare it that is basically doesn't happen, but this module pulled me in and kept me entertained, even laughing out loud at times, but also inspired. To a large degree this is what I want my D&D to be like. This isn't slapstick or comedy, but just having fun with it is a missing element in a lot of gaming nowadays, at least on the writing end. And in my experience, that's what we're all really here for, and what gaming always gravitates towards. This module delivers that.
Now, humor is definitely a matter of taste. I've seen "funny" gaming materials that had me rolling my eyes and not laughing, or of the sort that I'd never use them at the table. Things like pop culture references, puns, "edgy" political humor, or just stuff that has me scratching my head. This module is not like that. The humor is classic fantasy and gaming tropes, character stereotypes, and is the sort of thing your gaming group probably already does at the table. It is set in a sewer so there is potential for potty humor, but it is understated and stops just sort of rubbing your face in it. It sets up the situation with images and ideas, but then leaves it to you whether to run with it or not, and how to spin it. No boxed text, but it is short and pithy so you won't need it.
Despite the disclaimers, the layout and production are actually quite good, the writing is clever and funny and free of glaring typos, the art entirely appropriate to the tone and theme. It is only amateurish in the sense that it doesn't take itself too seriously, is not highbrow or dignified but informal in tone. But the author knows his D&D and this is a solid fantasy offering, a mini-setting really, with attention to detail and a coherent theme. You could drop it into any D&D city with little effort. There are little details, magic items, etc that you will want to use and which may inspire new ideas for your setting.
It's more of a mini setting than an adventure module. You could run it as a shoot and loot but it's not really set up for that. The NPCs are so fun and well drawn that I would drop this in and have the players interact with it. Pick a large city that is otherwise dull, put this under it, and you instantly liven it up and make the players want to go there and poke around. I had the idea of a PC joining the thieves guild though I'm not sure there's enough meat for extended interaction. I think encountering the thieves, fencing items, trying to locate them, that sort of thing -- using it as color, as a sprinkle of seasoning rather than the main course.
In terms of usability, this module really needs to be placed beneath a mid-to-large city, in order to account for the voluminous flow of sewage as well as strange goings-on. I mean there's so much happening it needs a large and jaded city not to notice and do something about it. Otherwise there is nothing very specific about the contents, and it would drop into any "regular" D&D setting with virtually no effort.
In Mystara, I'd plunk this under Thyatis City, right alongside existing thieves' guilds. The city is big enough for it, and the ratmen notion is apropos. I think the humor would mesh nicely into Mystara which was never a very serious setting to begin with.
10/10 will definitely use. My only complaint is that it needs a digest-sized deadtree option in DTRPG. (The single column layout would not print well on a full sized page, unless you want a seriously large print edition.)
PS -- This would run really well in Dungeon World too.