I started my campaign with this and it's been going strong since.
I don't know what else to say beyond "it's really good and free", so here are some tips when running it.
Start your players off in one of the dungeons (Goblin Hill or the Abandoned Farmhouse) rather than the suggested "wander in from a map edge" opener. Starting players off in a dungeon is the best.
Make sure they find out about the invading doom army fairly soon. It's the timer ticking down for the region. I had them as farmers who woke up in the cannibal cult's torture chamber, so they already knew.
Print out the area map. The original publication had a pull-off cover with an interior map, so being able to lay that down on the table and say "you are here" was real useful.
You don't have to use it in its actual historical context. As explained in the opening blurb, real history is used for easy reskinning. I replaced the Swedish with demons, for instance.
If your players are new to old school play, they may be surprised to find that there is no such thing as a balanced encounter. They should be treating combat as a last resort, and only attacking if victory is certain. The best way to teach them this lesson is to let them die.
If they still don't grasp it, give them the Quick Primer for Old School Gaming and find that old "Combat as Sport vs Combat as War" post. Just google them.