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Better Than Any Man
Publisher: Lamentations of the Flame Princess
by Megan B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/08/2016 22:26:37

I've ran through part of Better Than Any Man with multiple groups and there's a HUGE amount that can be done with it.

While BtaM does provide a main adventure that players can pursue, there's also a sandbox here with a ton of little tidbits sprinkled throughout this book that can be used as seeds to grow a variety of additional little adventures. BtaM also is nice in that it provides the potential forplenty of good old dungeon crawling and confronting monster (some very weird cool ones I might add) or for much more of a socially oriented game which dives into the politics of the times, as well as stranger intrigues. My players generally like a bit of a mix of the two, and so do I.

I'm torn on the time limit, because there's just so much going on that having more time could allow for the exploration of, but, the time limit isn't an entirely bad thing either. On the plus side this enforces a feeling that the world is a living place where things will happen around the players in an especially strong way. If played out the culmination of the adventure itself provides all kinds of possibilities as well. However, the timeline can be fudged if necessary, even setting the adventure further back in time a bit can work if desirable.

I also find that this adventure works great as a place to drop in other LotFP adventures too.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Better Than Any Man
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