Majus is Goblinoid's venture into urban fantasy, specifically Fantasy Noir. It covers much the same ground as Dresden Files or Mage:the Ascension.
Like other games in the Pacesetter line this one is based around the Action Table. A simple percentile dice roll on a one page table determines the outcome and degree of success of almost any action in the game.
The game is truly Old School in that it sketches but does not detail its background for GMs and players. There is a background included in this game, and it is a good one, but it can easily be ignored without causing major problems.
There are separate systems for Paranormal Talents and Magic. This is because they represent different abilities. Paranormal Talents tend to be narrowly focused psychic abilities. Magical "adits" are broad skills at using Magic to alter reality. Because magic is treated as skills there is no need for pages and pages of spell lists, components, etc. the components, chants, props etc used to invoke magic will vary from Mage to Mage depending on their tradition and training. Powerful and experienced mages may be able to cast magic merely by focusing their will upon the desired result.
The descriptions of the background to the Great Game and the Towers of the Maji are worth reading even if this background will not be use as they contain a number of examples of magical items, enchantments etc which will provide guidance for CMs and players to create their own.
The bestiary chapter includes a number of familiar creatures, but with new origins and abilities. These can provide some surprises for players who think they know it all.
A final note is that the game uses the same mechanics as Chill, Rot World, Crypt World and Time Master allowing elements from those games to be brought into Majus or magic to be brought into those games.