Sojourner's Moon 3.0 is 148 pages, with 147 pages being the content, including the Table of Contents (ToC).
There are 6 species: Dwarrow (space dwarves), Efari (space elves), Gaeans (humans), and Gaeans-changelings; then we have the Gantians (large human-like). Lastly, we have the Kobolin (lion-like humanoids).
Your character has 7 stats/attributes: Adroitness, Genius, Personality, Sentience, Strategy, Strength, Vitality.
You roll D100 (percentage roll), 12 times, taking the 7 best rolls, and consulting the chart on page 14 to give the actual number. So, for example, rolling 66 gives you 14 on the chart.
Sojurner's Moon uses The Grand Table of Species Harmonics (GTSH), page 12, to indicate what professions best suit each species.
Character Types are: Adept, Enchanter, Merchant, Military/Mercenary, Mystic.
Pages 19-46 detail these types in detail.
Sojourner's Moon feels like a sci-fi fantasy RPG, especially after reading Sojourner's Quest.
Even some of the art has a fantasy look to it (Dwarrow, Efari, Gaean, Gantian), etc.
At the moment, it is reduced to £4.53 ($5.44) from £6.16 ($7.40).
So it is worth looking at with the sale at the moment.