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Dungeon Romp
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Dungeon Romp
Publisher: Golden Griffon Games
by patrick m. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/17/2014 22:52:12

The game was a lot of fun to play and only had a hand full of hiccups. My kids are ready to play again, and 6.95 to have fun with your kids is always a good investment.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks, Patrick! If you have any suggestions about \"hiccups\" feel free to let me know. Gotta keep things in mind for the 2nd edition!
Dungeon Romp
Publisher: Golden Griffon Games
by Stephen Y. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/07/2014 09:14:23

At £2.11, this is actually quite good. The PDF is 44 pages long (42 are the actual content). The system reminds me of 2 RPG systems: WEG D6 and BESM Tri-Stat). WEG similarity: abilities are D6 based, for example one might be 3D (3D6), while another could be 2D (2D6). As for the Tri-Stat similarity, the 3 abilities/attributes are Body, Mind and Skill (BESM: Body, Mind, Spirit). You choose one at 3D, another at 2D, and the last one at 1D.

The attributes/abilities can be upgraded with gold (P23): 100Gp to increase an ability by 1D (max 3D). It states on the last page it's for 9+ years, which seems about right.

I'll try it out on some of the younger members of the family, see how they get along with it. It's good to see RPGs like this for younger RPG players (there's also the JEN Games one as well).

I'd give this 4.5/5, a good introduction to young RPG players.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you for taking the time to write a review! I\'m always looking to update and improve, so feedback is appreciated.
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