Ok this book is bit on the crazy side. Pushing the content of what a Vampire game was. However it introduced many new concepts that are a canonical pieces of the World of Darkness.
A new faction - The Tal'mahe'Ra - and how they have been manipulating, from behind the scenes, for centuries.
A strong tie-in to Wraith, with the detailing of the city of Enoch. The Tal'mahe'Ra fortress in the Shadowlands.
3 new Bloodlines - Nagajara, True Brujah, and the Old Clan Tzimisce - and their new disciplines.
A new Thaumatury path - Biothaumaturgic Experimentation - and many rituals.
3 new Paths - Path of the Scorched Heart, Path of Self-Focus, and Path of Lilith.
Many Abilities, Backgrounds, Merits and Flaws.
The fleshing out of Revenants. Which includes introducing 3 new Families - the Enrathi, the Marijava, & the Rafastio. Finally some families which are from somewhere other than Eastern Europe.
An interesting read, although a bit behind now that V20 is out, but good overall.