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Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand
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Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand
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Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand
Publisher: White Wolf
by greg m. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/13/2015 15:26:26

Intended to be a jumping board for chronicles involving a global conspiracy of elders manipulating the two major sects in order to wipe out Vicissitude; this book became a much debated topic in V:tM circles, and writers never quite seemed sure what to do with it after this book was released. The Tal'mahe'Ra was used as a boogie-man of sorts in later books, and the Path of Biothaumaturgy was edited and brought into the Revised Camarilla Guide. The Path of Self Focus was reprinted elsewhere, and when the True Brujah were ported into revised in the Storytellers Guide, they brought the Path of the Scorched Heart with them. The Path of Lillith was made available in the Guide to the Sabbat. The fates of the revenant families were discussed in various supplements. But, I digress. The purpose of the book was to present a new sect into the Jyhad, and it succeeded at that. As I hinted earlier, the purpose of this sect was to wipe out Vicissitude, the signature Discipline of the Tzimisce. That is because the power is not in fact a Discipline, but an insidious parasite that transmits through blood, has a mind of it's own, drives it's host insane and exists only to procreate!

To stop this insidious threat, the True Black Hand operates out of a spectral copy of the august city of Enoch, and also protects three ancient sarcophogi that house incredibly ancient Kindred! Are they the fabled second generation? Stay tuned and find out!

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand
Publisher: White Wolf
by Darryl J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/16/2013 13:01:06

Ok this book is bit on the crazy side. Pushing the content of what a Vampire game was. However it introduced many new concepts that are a canonical pieces of the World of Darkness.

A new faction - The Tal'mahe'Ra - and how they have been manipulating, from behind the scenes, for centuries. A strong tie-in to Wraith, with the detailing of the city of Enoch. The Tal'mahe'Ra fortress in the Shadowlands. 3 new Bloodlines - Nagajara, True Brujah, and the Old Clan Tzimisce - and their new disciplines. A new Thaumatury path - Biothaumaturgic Experimentation - and many rituals. 3 new Paths - Path of the Scorched Heart, Path of Self-Focus, and Path of Lilith. Many Abilities, Backgrounds, Merits and Flaws. The fleshing out of Revenants. Which includes introducing 3 new Families - the Enrathi, the Marijava, & the Rafastio. Finally some families which are from somewhere other than Eastern Europe.

An interesting read, although a bit behind now that V20 is out, but good overall.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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