This is tough to rate because perhaps it deserves to be rated all on it's own - but on the other hand, it's tough to rate it without the context from where it came from. Also tough to rate because I haven't actually played these Beta rules yet. But there doesn't appear to be any reviews here at this point, so I'll put down my thoughts.
Let's start with this, the WarHammer 40k setting is off the hook. It's dark, rich, grim, complicated, gritty & deadly - but that's been true for a long time and has little to do with this 2nd Edition Beta of the Core Rules.
Dark Heresy 2nd Edition Beta is a widely unexpected rewrite of the rules. Unexpected in it being released at all, since FFG had not released a 2nd Edition in the history of its WH40k RPG product line. Even more unexpected in that the changes are radical enough that the numerous Dark Heresy sourcebooks it sold to its customers the last five years are not mechanically backwards-compatible.
In doing so, FFG has taken a huge risk of alienating the significant fanbase. FFG books are beautiful, well done & a bit pricey. How would you like it if a publisher purposefully chose to make the last 8-10 books you bought from them to be mechanically out-of-date? Exactly. So that's the backstory, the context if you will...and you'll see a big flavorful dose of it on the FFG forums.
So...the 2nd Edition Beta in and of itself? IMO, it's got some intriguing ideas and a decent number of question marks. "Action Points" replace the Half/Full Action scheme and immediately stood out to me as probably offering players more control over their PC's actions in a combat round. Action Points committed to an attack are multiplied by the weapon's Rate of Fire to derive a new key metric called "Rate of Attack". The Degrees of Success/DoS (which is calculated differently in 2nd Edition) on the attack roll are the number of hits, up to the Rate of Attack. The target's DoS from its Evade roll ("Dodge" in v1) subtract from those hits. This is v2's combat core mechanic.
2nd Edition eliminates Hit Points and replaces it with a scheme where you track the # of times a character's been successfully hit. The large majority of the time, and significantly more than in v1, successful hits will result in "Wound Effects", that are much like v1's Critical Wound tables. Past successful attacks cumulatively make a new successful attack more dangerous on that Wound Effect table. The pro of this is more realistic effects from being wounded sooner, rather than a PC showing absolutely no effects from his 4 separate previous wounds and then suddenly being dead. The con is a concern, the way the Wound Effect tables work, that it's much (Much much?) harder to kill someone with the first shot.
There's a new vehicle section, that v1 lacked. The psyker section has vast changes from v1: psyker levels are now 1-10, manifestation test is d100 against Willpower now, no more Minor Powers and no more Phenomenon of the Warp table - straight to the customized Perils table for the Discipline of the power being used. Character generation is very different; they've added a tenth characteristic called "Influence" that's much like the section of the same name in the Dark Heresy Sourcebook Ascension. A new Acolyte group metric called "Subtlety" is introduced. Stats are calculated differently. There's changes everywhere, really.
It's a surprising complete rewrite but there is some intriguing stuff in there. Personally, I think it costs at least one star for not being backwards-compatible with previously published material - and I could see some good customers with a shelf full of books dinging it more than that. I haven't played it yet so I can't be sure it all actually works but, IMO, it looks pretty well done - so I don't see giving it 2 Stars. So that leaves 3 or 4 stars - I optimistically gave it 4 stars.