This is a rather fun adventure taken from a specific sub-set of pulp fiction - the 'wierd menance' adventure, as explained in the introduction, which gives plenty of ideas to help you set an appropriate mood for your game.
Structurally, the adventure is made up of three 'acts' each leading in to the next... provided, that is, that the characters both survive and find the clues liberally scattered around for them to find. For this is an adventure in which investigation and interaction predominate, with every NPC well-described and provided with his or her own agenda, motivations and intentions. Keep the pace brisk and let the horrors mount up - however, there is plenty material in each act for you to run this as a multi-session adventure, one act per session, if this suits your group's style.
The notes include a delightful selection of 'booby traps' with a range of them - defined as being hazards designed to stop or kill those who stumble in to them - being detailed along with the relevant game mechanics. There's also a sidebar on running cinematic and thrilling court scenes again complete with the necessary rules for moderating them effectively.
Thorough pre-game preparation is recommended and you may wish to source some floorplans for the main locations involved in the adventure, which spans a creepy old country house, central New York, various offices and a courtroom and finally an ocean going yacht!
Presentation in the main is clear, with a nice battered effect giving the impression of an old pulp magazine which does not interfere with the text. One or two errors ought to have been caught by proof-reading, but in general it is possible to figure out what was intended.
Overall, this is a cracking pulp adventure, very true to the spirit of the genre, that should prove entertaining for both GM and players alike!