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Character Workbook: Witch [PFRPG 1e]

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Character Workbook: Witch [PFRPG 1e]
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Character Workbook: Witch [PFRPG 1e]
Publisher: Lightspress Media
by Timothy B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 12/10/2019 16:12:06

For a buck you get a pretty handy bit of work.

Nearly 50 pages this covers character creation all the way to 20th level.
Why am I reviewing this now? Simple, I used it and tracked a character from creation to 20th level and it worked fantastic.

Plenty of places for notes and there are guidelines all along the way, such as reminding you that your skills can increase and ability modifiers change. Even a worksheet for your familiar.

Realy a great idea.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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