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Fate Accelerated Edition • A Fate Core Build Pay What You Want
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Fate Accelerated Edition • A Fate Core Build
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Fate Accelerated Edition • A Fate Core Build
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by sean c. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/28/2021 00:00:08

My complete review is here, but this is the beginning, which captures the gist of it:

Fate Core can handle virtually any “fiction-first” story you want to tell. By that I mean you say what you’re doing based on your concept of your character and then figure out how to model it, instead of consulting your character sheet to see what mechanical options you have. Fate Core is brilliant, but for me it’s too big a book, with too many options (“dials”) for its proposed play style. I’ve never run it. (I have played it a few times.) What I have run and played the hell out of is Fate Accelerated (FAE), which is near-perfect for seamless, cinematic storytelling.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fate Accelerated Edition • A Fate Core Build
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by Marco R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/15/2021 21:06:02

Not much to say, but... Along with the italian Not the End and the incredible Cortex Prime, this is on my personal olympus. Fats, super fun, easy to grasp (hard to master!), customisable, dynamic, probably better than the Core build in terms of accessibility and usability. Fate requires a huge mind shift and the Book of Hanz is highly recommended before playing, but Fate Accelerated is a perfect gateway and, probably, the perfect game in the Fate product line.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fate Accelerated Edition • A Fate Core Build
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by John L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/08/2020 15:01:54

I like Fate in theory. Lots of really great game ideas. But when we get it to the table, it winds up feeling less like a roleplaying game than a storytelling experience moderated by Fate points ...which is fine if that's what you're looking for. I just like my games to give me a little more discovery, exploration, and surprise.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Fate Accelerated Edition • A Fate Core Build
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by William B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/15/2020 01:03:20

Fate Accellerated was one of three finalists in my search for a new game system. The other two being Dungeon World, and SWADE (the eventual winner). There are some great ideas in this book, and I enjoyed reading it. In the end, it felt too much like a "toolkit" with some ideas and recommendations for how to do things, whereas SWADE (what I am running today) feels like a complete and flexible game system. It's not a bad system at all, just not the system for me. I may even eventually come back to it someday if I get tired of SWADE.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Fate Accelerated Edition • A Fate Core Build
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by Björn L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/07/2019 14:22:20

The following review was originally published in Mephisto 66 and translated from German (find original German review below).

Fate Accelerated Edition

Fate Accelerated Edition (FAE) is the little brother of Fate Core - like some kind of light version. The thin, small-format book contains a condensed and simplified version of the Fate system, providing the basic concepts and rules. The book explains the character creation with ideas like concept and dilemma as well as other aspects. The dice rolling mechanisms, different actions, and the rules for stress and consequences are explained. Instead of skills, Fate Accelerated uses approaches: six character traits from careful to flashy to sneaky, which serve as game stats and which can be enhanced with stunts. A few pages on subjects for the game master and four sample characters round off the book.

Fate Accelerated offers a very condensed set of rules, which convey the basic principles of Fate and especially the aspects compactly. The simplified rules are - at least as far as the game statistics are concerned - only partially compatible with Fate Core. This approach makes Fate Accelerated especially suitable for trying out or for fast, spontaneous rounds. All others should use Fate Core directly.

If you compare Fate Core with Fate Accelerated, then Fate Core seems to me to be the more balanced system. If you are unsure whether Fate is something for you in general, Fate Accelerated will give you a flying start. Nevertheless, the Fate Core looks more comprehensive, while Fate Accelerated is primarily suitable for spontaneous RPG evenings and one-shot stories.

(Deutsche Version)

Turbo Fate

Turbo Fate, die deutsche Ausgabe von Fate Accelerated, ist der kleine Bruder von Fate Core – sozusagen die Light Version. Das dünne, klein-formatige Buch enthält eine vereinfachte Fassung des Fate-Systems und liefert die grundsätzlichen Konzepte und Regeln. Erklärt werden die Charaktererschaffung mit Ideen wie Konzept und Dilemma sowie anderen Aspekten, das Würfelsystem und die verschiedenen Aktionen, sowie die Regeln für Stress und Konsequenzen. Statt Fertigkeiten kommt bei Turbo Fate die Methoden in Spiel: sechs Charaktereigenschaften von flink über scharfsinnig bis tückisch, die als Spielwerte dienen und die mit Stunts aufgewertet werden können. Ein paar Seiten zum Thema Spielleitung und vier Beispielcharaktere runden das Buch ab.

Turbo Fate bietet ein sehr komprimiertes Regelwerk, was die Grundprinzipien von Fate und insbesondere die Aspekte kompakt vermittelt. Die vereinfachten Regeln sind – zumindest was die Spielwerte angeht – nur begrenzt mit Fate Core kompatibel , sodass sich Turbo Fate vor allem zum Ausprobieren oder für schnelle spontane Spielrunden eignet. Alle anderen sollten direkt zu Fate Core greifen.

Vergleicht man Fate Core mit Turbo Fate, dann erscheint mir Fate Core als das ausgewogenere System. Wer sich unsicher ist, ob Fate allgemein was für ihn ist, der bekommt mit Turbo Fate einen sehr schnellen Einstieg. Trotzdem wirkt Fate Core interessanter, während Turbo Fate aus meiner Sicht in erster Linie für spontane Spielabende und One-Shot-Runden geeignet ist.

(Björn Lippold)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fate Accelerated Edition • A Fate Core Build
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by Jon S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/26/2019 01:31:24

Although I prefer Fate Core, I have run Fate Accelerated to good effect. Since Fate Core and Fate Accelerated have the same roots, I have a few of the print copies on hand to lend/give out to the players. The basic rules are all right there and the Actions & Outcomes table on page 15 is invaluable!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fate Accelerated Edition • A Fate Core Build
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by Rix W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/02/2015 13:49:42

I'm a huge fan of Fate Core, and I wanted to give this slimmed down version a try. While some things you might be used to in an RPG like "rolling for Lore" don't quite fit this model and have to be reworked (which can be a good thing,) pretty much everything else you want a player to do (as an active action) is simplified greatly in Fate Accelerated. I ran this with a group of people who had never played a tabletop game before, and in 5 minutes, I had them invested in the story and making choices for their characters while accepting what the dice revealed as the story progressed. I don't think FAE replaces Fate Core for every story possibility, but there are some circumstances where it just can't be beat for it's elegance and simplicity.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fate Accelerated Edition • A Fate Core Build
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by Michael J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/29/2015 12:35:15

I got both Accelerated and Core. Fate is a different enough system you really need the explanations and examples from Core. But once you understood the terminology, Accelerated really took off and worked better and faster.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fate Accelerated Edition • A Fate Core Build
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by Jon L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/17/2015 21:18:54

I have never used FATE Core rules yet but I am playing a game that will be utilizing those rules this weekend. They are easy and simple to learn, its a great system to use when trying to engulf your players in the story of your game. The accelerated edition expands on the rules a great deal. Very good system to use.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fate Accelerated Edition • A Fate Core Build
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by John K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/22/2014 13:30:59

Fate Accelerated is just the RPG I was looking for when I got it, fast, easy to learn, easy to run, you can teach the rules as you generate characters, you can write your first adventure while the players make their characters. The best part, it's free to try, but if you like it, buy some of their other stuff, even if it's for Fate Core it's still very compatible. The print version is absolutely amazing for $5! For five dollars you're probably expecting cheap paper, poor printing and saddle stapled binding, well, Evil Hat's production values on this book blow your expectations out of the water! The binding is glued, no staples at all, the print is dark and clear and the paper quality is good. Well worth the price of admission, and at a price that there's really no excuse to not have more than one copy at the table.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fate Accelerated Edition • A Fate Core Build
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by Benjamin M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/11/2014 06:02:28

FATE Accelerated is fantastic! I have yet to play a game of it, but that will be remedied in November. I have never read a game or a system that allows so many possibilities for players and GM's. Literally any kind of setting can be played in using this system, not just the published settings. Whatever the imagination can conceive can be accommodated by this system. Character creation is likely the most open and quick that I have ever come across in over 30 years of gaming. The only limits the players have is their imagination. All in all, FATE is a well-designed and extremely user-friendly game. I recommend it to anyone who favors lots of options, lots of role-playing, and very little crunch. :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fate Accelerated Edition • A Fate Core Build
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by Christopher D C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/13/2014 15:05:39

FATE Accelerated Edition, or FAE, is a good introduction to Evil Hat's FATE game engine. While it's different enough from FATE Core to be a stand-alone RPG in its own right, FATE Accelerated is similar enough to its parent so that once you feel you're ready to tackle the more advanced mechanics of FATE Core, you should be able to make the transition with little effort.

FAE is extremely liberating from other RPGs, in that there are no Character Points to spend, no endless lists of skills, powers, talents, traits, or extras to choose from, no defects/disadvantages/flaws to burden your hero or heroine with just for the sake of balancing out a character's point totals. Character creation is simple and easy: you choose a "high concept" (a phrase that sums up your character's role in the game setting), a "trouble" (another phrase that identifies a primary weakness of the character), and one to three other "aspects" (additional concepts that help round out the character's background). You then set six "approach ratings," which represent how your character deals with various challenges (Cleverly, Sneakily, Forcefully, and so on). If desired, you can choose anywhere from one to three "stunts" (things your character can do extremely well). In a matter of minutes, you have a fully defined character with a general suite of abilities which have been established by his or her approach ratings, high concept, trouble, and other aspects. All without the numbers crunch you have to deal with from other RPG systems.

The task resolution system follows the general path of "roll-high-and-hit-a-Target-Number," only in FAE, you roll four Fudge/Fate dice and apply the result to whatever approach rating you're using for a particular task. Having an appropriate stunt can improve your chance of success, as can the expenditure of Fate Points. If you're trying to accomplish something that fits your character's high concept (or other aspects), you can spend a Fate Point, which either gives you a bonus to your roll or allows you to roll again (this second option is best if you initial roll was very poor). You gain Fate Points during the game by accepting "compels," which is when your character's adversaries find a way to use your trouble (or even your other aspects) against you; if you give in to your weaknesses, you're rewarded with a Fate Point, which is a great way to encourage good roleplaying.

Combat is quick and easy to run. Instead of worrying about how much damage this weapon does against that sort of armor, everything is resolved with a single pair of attack/defense rolls; the greater the attacker's margin of success (or "shifts"), the more damage done to the target. A target can stave off defeat by checking off stress boxes or accepting "consequences" (penalties which give the attacker additional weaknesses to exploit); when the target can take no more stress or consequences, he or she is at the mercy of their attacker. A neat option allows a would-be victim to escape this fate by voluntarily conceding the fight before the coup-de-grace is actually delivered, allowing them to exit the scene with at least a modicum of dignity--and they also get a Fate Point for doing so.

Overall, the system is very free-form, with all kinds of room for innovation by both the players and the gamemaster. This is arguably the most cooperative RPG system ever created: everyone works together to weave an exciting narrative, using aspects, troubles, and the like to take an adventure in all kinds of unexpected and enjoyable directions. This can be a bit daunting for gamers who are used to more rigid systems, but once you get into the spirit of the thing, you'll find yourself having more fun than you could have imagined.

FATE Accelerated Edition is a terrific game, and definitely worth checking out. The list price for the published edition is $5.00; I recommend paying something in that neighborhood for the electronic edition, as it's well worth it!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fate Accelerated Edition • A Fate Core Build
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by James L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/17/2014 08:19:13

While it's a little too brief in some areas, especially for those new to RPG's, overall I really like the way FAE modifies Fate Core to use approaches rather than skills. Fate Core has the better advice and plenty of examples, but for the actual rules I'll always use FAE.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Fate Accelerated Edition • A Fate Core Build
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by Nicholas C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/05/2014 08:04:34

This system is amazing! I could not be more impressed with it. There are many universal systems out there that claim to be able to mix in with other rules systems, but this one is easily the most compatible. The evil hat team has done a very very good job here, and after reading this I am now a true, hooked fan. Thanks for making available as pay what you want! Please kick in a some bucks to these guys if you like it- they deserve every penny!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fate Accelerated Edition • A Fate Core Build
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by Dave T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/02/2013 00:00:00

Just what I needed to introduce new players to the fun of RPG's. From my experience it's awesome with kids. Definitely glad i added it to my tool kit.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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