great tables and discussion. although covered in the text, some kind of diagrammatic or bulleted breakdown or worksheet of the suggested arc process would have been nice. triple-spaced paragraph breaks were a mild annoyance to an otherwise easy and clear read.
Hey, thanks for the kind words. I have been attempting to hire an editor to create worksheets for this supplement (plus Character Webs and Species and Societies). You won\'t believe how hard it is to find someone who understands the industry but isn\'t already swamped in work.
pretty great resource, and can't beat the price. i enjoyed the detail and didn't notice anything i thought should be accounted for but wasn't. too much detail for most players, but if it's what you're looking for, this is a great choice.
seems detailed and colorful, but people who aren't aware should know up front it's of no use without the "world engine" (i guess--i'm still unclear what's what in this strange system).
straightforward, but inspiring stuff. roll on three tables to construct three-part babble, or on a fourth list for solid pregenerateds. now, if you'll excuse me, i need to get back to repairing my accelerated neutrino inhibitor.