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[PFRPG] Treasure Hoards - Volume 1 - Aberrations $1.25
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[PFRPG] Treasure Hoards - Volume 1 - Aberrations
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[PFRPG] Treasure Hoards - Volume 1 - Aberrations
Publisher: Ennead Games
by Megan R. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 05/14/2013 03:21:18

This product is a magnificent resource for any GM who has struggled when devising the lists of loot available to characters, all the more because it is so well organised and focussed on just the soon-to-be-robbed property of Aberrations. Further types of monster are promised for further releases in this series.

Organised by average party level - a good way to ensure that the characters neither get too powerful too fast nor fail to be adequately rewarded for their efforts - suggestions are made for the different amounts of treasure available: incidental (less than standard), standard, double or triple. For each category you can then roll a d6 (or choose from the list) to find out precisely what is in that particular treasure: coins, gems and other items of value. Naturally, if you have a particular item you want to introduce to your game, you can either add it to what's there, or use it to replace an equivalent item in that cache if balance is particularly important for you.

It should be a real boon to anyone who is pressed for time or short on ideas for loot, and this promises to be a series worth collecting by any GM who enjoys creating their own adventures and encounters.

I just have one quibble. Treasure comes in HOARDS not HORDES! Get that right and I shall be tempted to make this a 5-star product, rather than a 4-star one.... and within 24 hours a corrected version was uploaded! Well done, & I am good to my word... have your 5 stars :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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