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[PFRPG] Dragon Templates - Volume 3 - P to Z $1.25
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[PFRPG] Dragon Templates - Volume 3 - P to Z
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[PFRPG] Dragon Templates - Volume 3 - P to Z
Publisher: Ennead Games
by Sean H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 03/23/2014 11:37:04

Dragon Templates (and Variants), Volume 3 - P to Z, has 11 templates ranging from a -1 to +2 Challenge Rating (CR), with one with a variable CR bonus that could go to +4! As the pattern established by the previous two volumes, the templates are unpolished but useable, just. Some interesting ideas here, the stone imbued xenolith, the amusing yodeling and the astrologically tied zodiac templates. But the quantum template will just drive everyone (including the GM) crazy, the temporal template gives out limited uses of 8th and 9th level time spells and splitter looks like a mathematical headache though it is a neat idea. There are some useful pieces here and some dross to be sorted through.

If you use a lot of dragons in your campaign, or if you just want the ones that show up to be unique and interesting, these products will provide inspiration and a starting point for various unusual dragons but they are only a starting point, you will need to work out the finer details and balance them yourself.

Disclosure: As a featured reviewer for RPGNow/DriveThroughRPG, I received my copy of this product for free from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

Note: Read more reviews and other gaming articles at my journal

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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