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Forest Dwellers Set $2.50
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Forest Dwellers Set
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Forest Dwellers Set
Publisher: Arion Games
by Alastair M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/02/2014 07:11:29

A nicely inventive set of paper minis on a woodland theme, in Arion's signature CGI style, and in their usual "dual format", with one page that can be made up into "A"-frame or flat "inverted-T" figures, while the second makes up into triangular vertical prisms, showing three views of the same character. Some are creatures you might expect, like a Wolf, a Bear, a modestly-attired Dryad and a human hunter with a boar spear (called "Wolflord" here). Others may be less familiar, such as the bark-skinned Forest King and Woodwitch, the demi-human Boarman, and a lean, spiky, lizard-like Forest Dragon crawling onto a stump.

On normal printing, many have colour schemes that are a little too dull and muddy for clarity, not a major point however, and this is a good, interesting group of minis, liable to spark off ideas for their game use.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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