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Class Expansions: Witch Major Hexes [PFRPG] $1.00
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Class Expansions: Witch Major Hexes [PFRPG]
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Class Expansions: Witch Major Hexes [PFRPG]
Publisher: Interjection Games
by Timothy B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 07/28/2022 22:44:32

Originally posted here:

Pathfinder gave us a really fun witch class. I was very pleased with a lot of the material that came out to support it.

Hexes are to Pathfinder witches as Occult Powers are to my witches and invocations are to D&D warlocks.

Class Expansions: Witch Major Hexes

This PDF is four pages, 1 for cover, 1 for OGL statement, 2 for content. Price is $1.00. So 25 cents per page, or 50 cents per page of content.

Aside. When judging these prices I should include a minmum and then adjust from there. I could be $1 is the minimum.

This file includes an appropriate 13 Major Hexes for Pathfinder 1st Edition Witches. They are of a good varieity and many very useful ones. The various "Vision" Hexes are quite nice in fact.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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