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Annals of the Drunken Wizard: Critical Hit-Exchanging Weapon Special Abilities [PFRPG] $3.52
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Annals of the Drunken Wizard: Critical Hit-Exchanging Weapon Special Abilities [PFRPG]
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Annals of the Drunken Wizard: Critical Hit-Exchanging Weapon Special Abilities [PFRPG]
Publisher: Interjection Games
by Melinda F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/06/2013 19:32:28

Annals of the Drunken Wizard: Weapon Special Abilities

First off I should probably let you know that I was lucky enough to get a free copy of this product in exchange for giving feedback and promising to write a review. It was with gleeful delight that I undertook the former and pleasure that I complete the later. Yes, this supplement is that much fun. I can’t wait to unleash come of these goodies on my own players.

Interjection Games has created a handy little guide for kicking up a weapon’s critical damage potential a few notches. In exchange for giving up a extra damage for a critical hit, the player – or NPC – gets some sort of cool effect. There are some wonderful ways to give non-fighter types a little more oompf when they're lucky enough to roll a critical. It's a chance to not only even the playing the field a little bit, but to make it even more interesting and maybe a little bit unpredictable. It can also be a means to reward players for character development as opposed to doing their best to min/max out their player.

As someone who often plays rogues, I'm itching to let one of my characters get their hands on a weapon enchanted with "Alchemical" or "Bladethirst". Or maybe "Cunning." Those using magic can find use for "Arcanist's Recall." Clerics can make use of "Divine Recall" or "Greater Divine Recall." Or how about the fun of "Greater Tideturning" or "Hamstringing? There's even something for the bard of the group, what with the usefulness of "Trumpeting."

As a DM, I'm really looking forward to tossing some weapons at my players that contain a few of these enhancements. They're just munchkin-y enough that I won't let that many into the game, but it'll certainly add to the color and flavor of the bad guys. AND it'll be interesting to see how they put them to use once they get their hands on these goodies.

And while I was lucky enough to get my hands on a copy for free, it's well worth the $3.50 asking price. And I'll definitely be checking out more of their fun offerings here at RPGNow.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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