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City Watch Set $2.50
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City Watch Set
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City Watch Set
Publisher: Arion Games
by Markus D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/06/2015 15:00:00

Very useful addition for every fantasy GM! Also some variety, not just male /female but older /younger, with or without lantern, different weapons, and also elves and dwarves included, and the captain could be used as individual fantasy NPC - can recommend!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
City Watch Set
Publisher: Arion Games
by DALE T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/25/2013 19:26:09

Another great set of Arion paper minis. Will purchase more sets.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
City Watch Set
Publisher: Arion Games
by Megan R. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 04/02/2013 10:56:50

Given that most parties of adventurers fall foul of the Watch at least once during their careers, this is a very useful set of miniatures for the GM to have to hand!

The rather startled looking fellow on the cover looks almost as if he's been discovered in his skivvies, but on closer examination it is a breastplate rather than a vest that he is wearing. His helmet is better shaded and coloured to depict metal, that's all.

The rest is a goodly array of different figures all in plausible poses. There's a fairly haughty looking Captain, a human Sergeant and a number of Watchmen of various races, including several dwarves and a couple of female guards as well. Obviously an enlighted equal opportunities city as regards Watch recruitment!

Nice crisp figures, uniform colouration - and at least the white breastplates mean that you can add city colours or badges if you want to. A useful set.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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