“That is why I decline the title of Iron Cook, and accept only the lesser title of Zinc Saucier, which I just made up.” – Bender, Futurama
Little Red Goblin Games brings the world of gourmet chefs to a fantasy setting with the Battle Chef class. This is a full class, and it has some pretty interesting mechanics. Like fighters, the battle chef is a d10 HP class, but has a ¾ BAB, more akin to rangers. Battle chefs also gain recipes which work like spells, and can have a cuisine specialty, which is similar to focusing on a school of spells. What I really like about this system, is that preparing a 3-5 course meal works like a video game; by consuming the meal (spells) in order, they give bonus effects. The effects of each recipe is determined by flavor profile (a minty recipe for example adds ice damage to you attacks.)
While the battle chef class, and accompanying recipe system, is the meat and potatoes of this release, there’s an appetizer-size portion of feats, and chef-based weapons and magic items make up the dessert.
Personally, I’d have liked seeing a selection of armor and shields (who doesn’t want to use a big wok as a shield, and wear an Apron of Protection +1?) I would like to see a few more feats in there, and maybe an archetype or two based on different kinds of cooks. Additionally, I think a d8 HP per level might be more appropriate here, but I don’t think it breaks the class in any way. That’s just me, and it doesn’t take away from the unique flavor of this class.
Well worth the money spent. Please tip your servers.