Intuitive, awesome PDF format? Check. Perfect blend of hard and soft sci-fi in an intriguing, thought-provoking setting? Check. Compatability with the upcoming and highly anticipated Fate Core? Oh you better believe that's a check.
Nova Praxis has rapidly become one of my favorite transhuman sci-fi settings. It doesn't quite topple Eclipse Phase as my favorite, but NP has a few big advantages over EP. It's easier to introduce to those new to post-singularity concepts, post-scarcity economies, and transhumanism in general. And it doesn't suffer from its narrative and depth as a result of this ease of a selling point. It's a setting where transhumanism is there, and our species has the potential to reach the next stage in our evolution, but significant social and moral issues stand in the way.
Oh yeah, did I mention that the PDF layout is head and shoulders the best PDF format for any RPG ever? I thought Pathfinder PDFs were intuitive and slick and the top of their game. Well I thought wrong.