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Nova Praxis [Augmented PDF] [Fate]
Publisher: Void Star Studios
by Frankie B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/09/2013 10:32:32

Once in a while, a product is released which doesn't necessarily redefine the medium, but takes advantage of current trends to present a product that ties those trends together into a packaged whole. NOVA PRAXIS does this. One of the holy grails of tabletop gaming is a sci-fi rpg that is easy to learn but has the complexity to handle all levels of scaling, combat and system design. In short, a near impossible task, but one which NOVA PRAXIS navigates well. The layout is groundbreaking inasmuch as layout of a pdf looking like a computer or web page. This is how pdf's should be presented IMO, and we should be seeing more of this. I would love it if the new D&D or World of Darkness was presented as elegantly and as easy to understand as this game is. The rules here are FATE derived, specifically Strands of FATE, which cleans up and streamlines the version of FATE presented in the Dresden Files RPG. If you have been curious about FATE or just not wanting to purchase a pdf that is little more than a book, then this is a truly worthwhile investment.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Nova Praxis [Augmented PDF] [Fate]
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