Peacekeepers has an engaging premise: superheroes helping to rebuild the world after an alien invasion. Sure, variations on this have been done before, but author Jakub Osiejewski does a good job implementing it. The text covers a broad range of considerations relevant to the setting’s world, but without straightjacketing creative GMs. For GMs wanting more guidance, Osiejewski offers adventure seeds for five linked scenarios that could form a satisfying campaign, as well as two more fully described one-shot adventures. There’s even a system for randomly generating adventures (using a deck of cards instead of dice) that GMs who enjoy that sort of thing (or are short on time) can use to replace or supplement the one given in the ICONS core rulebook. The writing is lively and engaging, though some of the conventions seem to waver between American and European English. The layout is pretty nice and evokes the feel of a comic book, but the mixing of black-and-white and full-color clip art is a little distracting, and you may find yourself wondering where you’ve seen that artwork before. On balance, the book is pretty good, especially if the backstory of its campaign world sounds like a place where you’d want to set your ICONS adventures.