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Character Options: Talents (5e)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Steve c. i. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/02/2017 10:22:55

Having come from 1e to 5e, I love that Feats and backgrounds exist. But even with that, I'm always looking for ways to make characters more interesting. I saw this posted on r/dnd over on reddit and it's one of my first 'insta purchases'. For $10, I got a ton of 'mini feats' for players to have fun with.

I'm not a rules guru so I can't attest to what may be overpowered. It seems that most are 'mini feats' like the discription of the product states. While some might be OP (again, not a rules guru), if all sides can take advantage of them, the field remains balanced in my mind. And I tend to have a 'rule of cool' at my table. I want my players to be epic. I want them to be larger than life heroes. Adding talents give them another simple mechanic to give a bit more depth to the characters.

I like the "3 points" mechanic that is used for many of the talents (scoundral points, hero points, etc.). Not sure why exactly, I just do.

All in all I really like this idea of lesser powered talents that can provide additional dimension to characters and I'm looking forward the the second one coming out.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Character Options: Talents (5e)
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Creator Reply:
Thanks Steve! I am very happy to inform you that the second book will be coming out on the 15th! Watch out for it! :)
Adventures Dark and Deep Players Manual
Publisher: BRW Games
by Steve K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/04/2016 08:54:08

This is a great expansion on Gygax's AD&D. I love the additions of the mystic and mountebank specifically and incorporated them into my game.

My only real gripes are:

1) lack of a gutter for printing the pdf. A hole punch hits text. so unless you plan to stick it in a binder with plastic sheet protectors (big and bulky), you're kind of stuck with holes or using it only on your computer.

2) saving throw information being buried in the spell description. Not sure why the author didn't include it with the other data information at the start.

All in all a great product that has helped enhance my game.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Adventures Dark and Deep Players Manual
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