Having come from 1e to 5e, I love that Feats and backgrounds exist. But even with that, I'm always looking for ways to make characters more interesting. I saw this posted on r/dnd over on reddit and it's one of my first 'insta purchases'. For $10, I got a ton of 'mini feats' for players to have fun with.
I'm not a rules guru so I can't attest to what may be overpowered. It seems that most are 'mini feats' like the discription of the product states. While some might be OP (again, not a rules guru), if all sides can take advantage of them, the field remains balanced in my mind. And I tend to have a 'rule of cool' at my table. I want my players to be epic. I want them to be larger than life heroes. Adding talents give them another simple mechanic to give a bit more depth to the characters.
I like the "3 points" mechanic that is used for many of the talents (scoundral points, hero points, etc.). Not sure why exactly, I just do.
All in all I really like this idea of lesser powered talents that can provide additional dimension to characters and I'm looking forward the the second one coming out.